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Soon: New Content

Categories: Dev News


New content will soon be added to the game! You're in for a new in-game event, weapon novelties, character skins for young Ursula Ellis and Oberon White, and improvements of older weapon models. 

New Content

In-game Event "Outlaws"

The Domination mode is back — and it's bringing more rewards! An already familiar event system is waiting for you. You'll just have to play a certain PvP mode and earn extra currency in PvE.


In the PvP mode, you'll be playing in the "Domination" mode on the "Sirius" and "Armageddon" maps. In order to win, you'll have to capture and keep more bases than the opponents. The maps have not been visually altered, these are still the classic locations that you've seen before.

The event currency is granted for every PvP match in the event mode. Its amount depends on the individual and the team results.


In PvE, you'll be able to earn currency by completing the "Mars", "Blackout" and "Pripyat" special operations. The rewards are only given for successfully completing the missions and for each of the difficulty levels. Similar to Crowns, the event currency is credited both for the overall mission score, as well as the completion time, but not more than once a day.

The "Retaliation" mission will also be back in rotation. You'll be able to access it from the event interface. In this mission, you'll be fighting on the side of Blackwood. The goal is to search through the enemy logistics base and find out, what kind of secrets the foe is hiding. The gameplay is diverse: you'll meet security stuff of different difficulty levels, turrets, claymores, electrical traps, and the final boss — a helicopter. Furthermore, you can complete mission's stages (the terminal activation) in three different ways: a difficult but fast one, one of medium difficulty and length, and an easy but time-consuming one. The choice will depend on the amount of terminals you're ready to simultaneously activate.

Currency Gain and Rewards

The matches in those modes are your main and stable source of currency. But if you need more, you can always complete the event contracts. You'll have 7 contracts in total: 2 daily ones (one for PvP and one for PvE) and 5 one-timers (for dealing damage and eliminating enemies).

With enough currency, you'll be able to spend it in the event shop or the showcase. This time there won't be guaranteed free prizes in the first slot, nor a reward for a chain of openings.

In the shop line-up, you'll find the weapon and camo series "Cavalry" (AK Alpha, Typhoon F12, Sentry 12, Kriss Super V Custom, CDX-MC Kraken, and Kel-Tec RDB-C) and the "Highwayman" weapon series. In the showcase, you'll find attractive deals with a discount of up to 40% on parts and models from the previously released series.

Kalashnikov USA KHAOS

The Medic's arsenal will be expanded with a semi-automatic version of a 12-caliber shotgun. The weapon uses a gas-operation system similar to that of some legendary Kalashnikov models. In the game, the arm aims to better the Medic's weapon ergonomics by increasing the rate of fire, as well as the weapon changing and reloading speeds, compared to its closest competitors.

The characteristics of the Kalashnikov USA KHAOS can be adjusted with mods. With the unique "Jury-Rigged" mod you can switch to the bursts-of-2 mode of fire, increase accuracy, yet decrease its damage and range. The other unique mod—"Trick Shot"—significantly increases the gun's accuracy in jumping and adds extra movement speed.

The model will be available in gold as well. It'll offer better damage and fire rate.

Ursula Ellis Suit

Ursula Ellis is a young woman, a helicopter pilot, born in East London. Soon she will share her story. Until then, let's have a look at the contents of her themed set. There you'll find the Ursula Ellis Suit for the Rifleman, the HK433, the Buckled Lupara and the Khopesh of the new "Rainforest" series, as well as camos for those models, an achievement set, and a "Pilot's Helmet" weapon charm.

As always, the themed charater-related items will be available via special contracts, the launch of which we will announce later.

Oberon White Medic Suit

The game will also feature a character skin for young Oberon White. It is connected to Oberon's past, when he was researching the ways of transferring human consciousness into a system and was looking for people for his experiments.

We will share his biography later. For now, here are the items you will find in his set: the Oberon White Medic Suit, the "DNA" Benelli M2 SP, H&K VP9 Match, and Gerber Tomahawk, as well as "DNA" camos for those weapons, and a weapon charm.

The themed charater-related items will be available through special contracts, the launch of which we will announce later.


  • The "Myth" series will get two new additional models: the Kalashnikov USA KHAOS and the Cobalt Kinetics Stealth Pistol.

Improvements of Old Weapon Models

The modification system will soon expand with some older models. Among those are the Cobalt Kinetics Stealth Pistol and the Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven. You can change their characteristics with mods. Furthermore, they'll receive a solid increase in their base characteristics. Learn more about the changes below.

Cobalt Kinetics Stealth Pistol

The weapon's recoil will be tweaked, its damage and damage multipliers to the head and torso will be increased. On top of that, its fire rate and range will be improved, and the damage reduction by distance reduced. There's also a golden version that differs from the regular one not only in its gorgeous appearance but also sports a better rate of fire and range.

The model supports two unique mods. The first one offers a boost to the fire range, damage, and torso damage multipliers. The second one increases fire rate, reduces recoil, and significantly boosts head damage multipliers.

Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven

The damage multipliers to the body and extremities will be increased for this model. On top of that, its fire rate and range will be improved, and the damage reduction by distance reduced. There's also a golden model that boasts a more spacious magazine and a higher rate of fire.

The first of its two available mods, "Double Tap", allows switching the Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven's firing mode into burst-of-2 by lowering its fire rate and aiming speed, but increasing the base damage. The "Illegal Rejiggering" mod changes the firing mode into an automatic one, and decreases the damage and range. Both mods reduce the model's recoil.

We'll see you in the game!

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