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Agent Viverra now in Warface: Clutch

Categories: Offers


Introducing Agent Viverra, the unyielding heart of the Samoom Squad! Nandi Jansen is a fearless medic with a heart of gold and nerves of steel. Whether she's stitching up wounds or fending off enemies with deadly precision, her expertise ensures her teammates' survival. Dive into her gripping backstory and explore her set, featuring the “Mongoose” weapon series, unique achievements, and an exclusive charm that embodies her relentless spirit.


Nandi Jansen was always a volunteer at heart, and during high school that passion truly blossomed. During breaks, she dedicated herself to working in shelters and aiding the homeless. Even as she embarked on her journey through medical school, her commitment to assisting those in need remained steadfast; she seized the opportunity to intern with the Red Cross, utilizing her newfound skills to combat epidemics and provide medical aid to those injured in remote villages.

Post-graduation, Nandi's involvement with various volunteer organizations persisted. It was as if “fear” didn’t exist in her vocabulary; she often found herself thrust into the midst of technological disasters and military conflicts, courageously rescuing civilians even amidst crossfire.

Her skills in navigating the most perilous situations, coupled with her experience in handling contaminated environments, drew the Euro-Alliance’s attention. Additionally, she learned how to wield weapons at an impressive pace. While initially hesitant to collaborate with the military, persuasion from Rim Ayari and Amar Dinnay eventually led her to join "Samoom." The success of her initial operations validated her decision, cementing her place within the squad.

Agent Viverra Set

The “Mongoose" weapon series’ is completed! The weapon series includes the Browning Cynergy CX, the ST Kinetics CPW and the Cleaver.

Is collecting weapon charms your thing? Then we have just the right addition to your collection! Check out this exclusive charm in Agent Viverra’s set. Add a little good luck charm to your weapons!

The game now also features new achievements for eliminating enemies with new weapon models designed in Agent Viverra's style. Defeat your enemies with "Mongoose" arms and spice up your profile!

How can I get the novelties?

We've added contracts with the new content, including a contract yielding a permanent weapon! Complete tasks to get "Mongoose" weapons, boxes with the Agent Viverra suit, unique achievements, a weapon charm, and other handy items.

Contract Details

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