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[UPD] Seasonal Activities

Categories: Events


New activity seasons you are already familiar with have begun in the "Side by Side" season. Read on to learn more about what to do in the upcoming months and, most importantly, what rewards you can get for your efforts. Pick a section below to get to the part you are interested in.

Battle Pass
Prestige Levels
Ranked Matches

The "Side by Side" Battle Pass will be active until the 13th of February, 2023. Know your strengths and focus on that date. It is unlikely that the season will be prolonged.

In the current season, the Battle Pass has undergone many changes that we announced before. Use the contents list below to navigate to the change you are interested in or click on the buttons "More on the BP" and "BP FAQ" to jump to the corresponding articles.

Main Changes:

  • possibility to choose Daily Quests and a major system reworking;
  • added class specific contracts as the main way to earn weapon tokens;
  • added parts to the seasonal shop;
  • reduced the amount of the main progression levels;
  • increased the amount of additional levels;
  • reconsidered XP gain for matches in PvE and Special Operations.

More on the BP

There are several types of rewards in the Battle Pass:

  • main progression rewards (camos, weapon charms, permanent secondary weapons, consumables, and currency);
  • additional progression rewards (weapon tokens);
  • daily and class specific contract rewards (in the first case, you can get a seasonal weapon box, in the second — weapon tokens and a class achievement);
  • weapons and parts in the seasonal shop.

To get all the seasonal BP shop weapons, you will have to complete 4 class specific contracts. One contract yields enough weapon tokens to buy one permanent weapon. There is a restriction: the contracts are only available from the 15th BP level for the owners of premium access of any type.

And if you want to also earn parts, then be active and unlock additional BP levels. The more you unlock, the more rewards you can buy from the seasonal shop. It is also worth mentioning, that if you wish to first buy some parts and then purchase guns, it is also possible.

So, to get the most out of the BP, you need to play actively and regularly, complete daily quests and contracts, but to get the bare minimum it is sufficient to unlock basic progression levels.

More About the Rewards

Among the Battle Pass rewards, you can find the "Strider" and "Wanderer" series, thematic charms, as well as achievements. Let's take a closer look!

"Strider" Series

The "Strider" series includes cool weapons that you can shape to your need using mods (except for the Push Daggers, as they do not have mods). Take a look at the AK Alpha, Typhoon F12, Kriss Super V Custom, and CDX-MC Kraken. Their characteristics got improved and you can make them even more effective with the mod system.

"Wanderer" Series

The guns of the "Wanderer" series look like they have been through rough and tumble and have lost their sheen. Don't judge a book (or a gun) by its cover. Their firepower and reliability is as high as ever! The weapons of this series are not modifiable.

New Charms and Achievements

The new season also brings a new achievement and a set of thematic charms that you can decorate your profile and weapons with. You will get the new customization items once you unlock certain Battle Pass levels. And if you want more achievements, you are welcome to complete class contracts.

New achievements

New charms

Utility Knife Charm

Matchbox Charm

Grampa's Compass Charm

Slide Photo Charm

BP Coins

These are the main BP currency that you can spend in the seasonal shop. There are two ways to earn these coins:

  • by completing daily and class specific contracts;
  • by unlocking additional progression levels.

As already mentioned before, one completed contract yields enough tokens to buy some parts or one permanent weapon from the seasonal shop. If you complete all contracts and unlock additional levels, you could buy every item in the shop's assortment. Do not forget: weapon tokens expire after the season ends and are not transferred to the next.

You will find more information about the rewards of the main and additional progressions, about the daily quests and contracts in the table below.

Main progression rewards
Access Type
Access Type
Wanderer M48 Bowie Knife
Utility Knife Charm
"Wanderer" Skin for IWI Galil ACE 23
"Mossy Bark" Stripe
"Wanderer" Skin for SIG 552 Commando
"Broken Compass" Mark
"Wanderer" Skin for Mauser Kar98k
Matchbox Charm
"Wanderer" Skin for Benelli Super Black Eagle 3
"Map Fragment" Badge
"Wanderer" Skin Ruger Mark IV Lite
Grampa's Compass Charm
"Strider" Skin for Push Daggers
"Worn Map" Stripe
Access to class contracts
"Strider" Skin for AK Alpha
Slide Photo Charm
"Strider" Skin for Kriss Super V Custom
"Mountain Elite" Mark
"Strider" Skin for CDX-MC Kraken
Parts: 1000
"Strider" Skin for Typhoon F12
"Lone Peak" Badge
"Strider" Skin for Mauser C96 Custom
Strider Makarov Pistol
BP Coins (10 pcs.)
Daily quests (common)
Mode Condition Reward
PvP Eliminate 200 enemies. 300 BP points
PvE and SO Eliminate 1000 enemies.
PvP Eliminate 2 foes in a row 10 times (Double Kill mini-achievement).
PvE and SO Eliminate 3 foes in a row 10 times (Triple Kill mini-achievement).
PvP Eliminate 3 foes in a row 2 times (Triple Kill mini-achievement).
PvE and SO Eliminate 7 foes in a row 2 times (Combo Kill mini-achievement).
PvP Eliminate 100 foes with headshots.
PvE and SO Eliminate 500 foes with headshots.
PvP Eliminate 2 foes in a row with headshots 5 times (Head Crasher mini-achievement).
PvE and SO Eliminate 2 foes in a row in melee 5 times (Bloody Butcher mini-achievement).
PvP Eliminate 10 enemies with explosives.
PvE and SO Eliminate 50 enemies with explosives.
PvP Eliminate 10 enemies with melee weapons.
PvE and SO Eliminate 50 enemies with melee weapons.
Any Restore 3000 health or armour points.
Daily quests (special)
Quest Mode Reward
Win 4 PvP matches as Rifleman PvP regular: +6 to BP XP when winning in PvP as Rifleman
unusual: +8 to BP XP when winning in PvP as Rifleman
rare: +10 to BP XP when winning in PvP as Rifleman
Deal 500,000 damage in PvE as Rifleman PvE/Spec Ops regular: +2 to BP XP for each 5,000 damage (capped at 50,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
unusual: +3 to BP XP for each 5,000 damage (capped at 50,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
rare: +5 to BP XP for each 5,000 damage (capped at 50,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
Get 800,000 points in PvE as Rifleman PvE/Spec Ops regular: +2 to BP XP for each 10,000 points (capped at 100,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
unusual: +3 to BP XP for each 10,000 points (capped at 100,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
rare: +5 to BP XP for each 10,000 points (capped at 100,000) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
Perform 25 headshot kills in PvP as Rifleman PvP regular: +4 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 5 headshot kills (capped at 100)
unusual: +7 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 5 headshot kills (capped at 100)
rare: +10 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 5 headshot kills (capped at 100)
Perform 100 kills in PvP as Rifleman PvP regular: +4 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 10 kills (capped at 100)
unusual: +7 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 10 kills (capped at 100)
rare: +10 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman for each 10 kills (capped at 100)
Perform 200 headshot kills in PvE as Rifleman PvE/Spec Ops regular: +2 to BP XP for each 10 headshot kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
unusual: +3 to BP XP for each 10 headshot kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
rare: +5 to BP XP for each 10 headshot kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
Perform 500 kills in PvE as Rifleman PvE/Spec Ops regular: +2 to BP XP for each 20 kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
unusual: +3 to BP XP for each 20 kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
rare: +5 to BP XP for each 20 kills (capped at 200) in PvE/Spec Ops as Rifleman
Play 8 PvP matches as Rifleman PvP regular: +3 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman
unusual: +4 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman
rare: +5 to BP XP in PvP as Rifleman

Click on the image to see the list of available tasks and rewards.

The shop's line-up of this season offers two types of rewards: parts and powerful weapons of the "Strider" series that can be modified. You will find such guns as the assualt rifle H&K G36 Assault, the Sentry 12 rifle, dual-wield machine-guns SIG MPX Copperhead, and the Kel-Tec RDB-C sniper rifle.

The weapons in the shop are obtainable for BP coins both for a limited time as well as forever. The parts are offered in packs. All unused BP coins will expire at the end of the season and will not be transferred to the next. Be cautious and try to spend them all!

To get permanent weapons, you will have to buy their temporary versions in this order: for 3, 5, 7, and 9 days (costing 25/50/75/125 BP coins accordingly), and finally the permament weapon for 175 BP coins. In total, you will spend 450 BP coins to obtain a permanent weapon.

UPD: The "Side by Side" prestige season has been prolonged until the 28th of March, 2023.

Prestige are additional levels (from 101st to 1000th) in the progression system that you can unlock as long as the seasonal activity is on. Progressing through the Prestige levels is the same as with the regular levels: you play and gain XP for every battle. The only difference is that the Prestige levels require more XP and are reset each season.

Changes that took place in this season:

  • decreased the total XP needed to unlock all Prestige levels (from 18 155 200 to 10 662 000);
  • updated rewards: now, instead of getting golden weapons, you get parts; boosters last longer, and there are more consumables.
Total XP
Total XP
Tourist Class mark
Rustic Tools badge
162 400
XP Booster (7 d.)
253 400
Parts (100 pcs.)
347 600
Mastery booster (3 d.)
444 100
Hidden Path stripe
951 400
Parts (150 pcs.)
1 485 900
XP Booster (14 d.)
2 038 900
Mastery booster (7 d.)
2 606 000
Parts (250 pcs.)
3 184 600
Resurrection coins (50 pcs.)
3 773 000
Tourist Badge mark
4 369 900
Parts (250 pcs.)
4 974 300
Mastery booster (14 d.)
5 585 400
Parts (500 pcs.)
6 202 800
Resurrection coins (50 pcs.)
6 825 700
Tourist Tools badge
7 453 900
VIP-Booster (7 d.)
8 087 000
Parts (1500 pcs.)
8 724 600
Mastery booster (14 d.)
9 366 400
Tourist Gear stripe
10 012 300
Parts (2500 pcs.)
10 662 000

UPD: The "Side by Side" Ranked Matches season has been prolonged until the 28th of March, 2023

Changes that took place this season:

  • the Molotov is now permitted in RM;
  • all versions of the Kel-Tec RDB-C are now permitted in RM;
  • after the season ends, there may be an inter-seasonal period when the ranked PvP will be inaccessible until the start of the next season. This pause will give you time to relax and gather your strength for the next challenge, and us — the time to tweak and improve the game before the next season.

If you need a refresher about the details of the ranked PvP, you can look through this article. We also remind you that the ranked currency for the seasonal shop does not expire and will be transferred to the next season.

The seasonal shop line-up has been updated. Some of the previous season's articles are available again, new items have been added, boxes and temporary guns have been switched up. All in all, you can add to your collection many noteworthy items and achieve even more glorious victories!

Have a good game!

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