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Update - 14.10.2022

Categories: Patch Notes


A hotfix has been installed onto the server. In this version you will find a new agent and a dedicated set, additions for the mod system, game improvements, and other changes as well as plenty of bug fixes. Read on!

Previous version

New content

Agent Enigma Set

The set will include weapons and skins form the High-Tech series, a skin for Riflemen, a weapon charm and achievements in the agent's style. By completing the new contracts you will be able to get the above mentioned content and other useful items.


  • Added eSports content: weapons and a charm.
  • Added thematic content: 3 new skins, VHS Switchblade, a weapon charm and an achievement set.
  • Added thematic achievements and items from the cyber-sport organisation.
  • Added a new contract that yields the Remington 870 RAS.

Content changes

Models' characteristics

Remington 870 RAS, M40A5

  • Added unique customisation items for mastery.
  • Added the ability to install mods.


  • The match statistics screen does not close after a time-out anymore (earlier, it would automatically close after some time).
  • Hybrid sights: now, the chosen sight gets saved after the player's death (earlier it would reset back to a standard one).
  • Progression: now, the rank needed to unlock a game mode or class also gets displayed in the interface (earlier the modes were hidden and could not be discovered without a hint).
  • Lowered the notification volume when getting an achievement.
  • Updated localisation: added some missing game and item description texts, fixed some inconsistencies.

Game improvements

Character creation

We have reworked the character creation screen — the last version got outdated and did not match the current design. We have updated the character creation window and you will be able to select the appearance (male or female) that you start the game with.

Soon in game

The weapons below are currently being reworked and the new versions of the models will be available in the game later.

H&K G36 Assault

This novelty is an assault rifle from the german company Heckler & Koch that is used by the military of many different countries around the world. The weapon will offer excellent characteristics: a high rate of fire, range and damage. On top of that, it will have a hybrid sight and mod slots; with a unique mod you will even be able to change the firing mode from automatic to bursts.

Furthermore, the H&K G36 Assault will have a new mechanic — a transparent magazine, which allows you to see the amount of bullets you have left.

Kel-Tec RDB-C

This is a semi-automatic bull-pup rifle developed by Kel-Tec. The novelty offers a semi-automatic firing mode, good damage and fire rate. The rifle will be able to be equipped with mods and the unique mods can even change its firing mode to automatic or bursts. Experiment with mods and find the best build for you!

The golden version will have a higher rate of fire and a more spacious magazine.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed some causes for client crashes.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the game would sometimes not start on Windows 7.

Weapons and gear

  • Molotov:
    • fixed a bug, due to which the sound might not have always worked;
    • fixed a bug, due to which the item would not explode on moving surfaces;
    • fixed a bug, due to which the item could deal damage through walls or at different heights.
  • Mods 2.0:
    • fixed a bug that caused the sprint speed mod to work incorrectly;
    • fixed a bug, due to which the "Spectre" vests had only 2 mod slots;
    • fixed a bug, due to which it was impossible to install a damage reduction mod onto the "Spectre" vests.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the sounds of some weapons, after installing mods, would not always work.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the titles of the normal and the upgraded reflex sights EOTECH 553 to switch places.
  • AKS-74U, SR-2 Veresk: fixed a bug, due to which the weapons sounded too lound in the third person view.
  • Makarov Pistol: fixed the hitting animation in melee combat so it corresponds to its real speed.
  • Machine guns: fixed a bug, due to which the reloading animation in third person view was incorrect.
  • Alligator Balisong Knife: fixed a bug, due to which the hand would be displayed incorrectly in third person view.


  • "Highway": fixed a bug, due to which the map surroundings would not always be displayed correctly at certain graphics settings.
  • "Bulwark":
    • fixed a bug, due to which the silhouettes of the characters would sometimes be visible through the smoke screen at certain graphics settings;
    • fixed map bugs and optimised PC resource consumption.
  • "Hawkrock": fixed a bug that allowed to shoot at the bomb installation site thought the staircase.


  • Solo Mission: fixed a bug, due to which the mission completion status would reset when the day changed.


  • Ranked matches:
    • fixed a bug, due to which the seasonal shop displayed incorrect items;
    • fixed a bug, due to which the item cost on the last line was not visible in the seasonal shop.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which the loading screen music would continue playing during the match.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which currencies displayed rarity.

Known bugs

  • The post-match statistics window can only be closed by pressing "Space". The bug will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates.

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