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Update - 05.05.2022

Categories: Patch Notes


A fresh game update has been installed on the game servers. It includes a set of the new Agent "Baudo", the weapon series "Eagle Shot" as well as multiple bug fixes. Read on to learn details!

Previous Version

New Content

The game now offers the Colt M1911A1 and the Switchblade from the brand-new series "Honor", a gear set, a weapon charm and achievements.

The new weapons are already available in the game shop.


  • Added thematic content: the Hunting Knife "Feather" and a set of achievements (a mark, a badge and a stripe).
  • Added eSports content: an achievement pack and a weapon charm.

Content Changes


  • Improved the quality of icons for some weapon models.
  • The game lobby has been replaced with its thematic version.
  • Updated localization: added some missing texts for in-game descriptions or items, fixed some inconsistencies.

Soon in Game 

Agent "Baudo" Set

The set includes arms and camouflages of the "Anaconda" series, a Rifleman character skin, a weapon charm and achievements designed in the style of the agent, as well as new contracts, by completing which you can get the listed articles and other useful items.

We will tell you more about the agent and the set in future publications.

"Eagle Shot" Series

We are glad to present to you a new weapon series with an unusual appearance. The weapon frames are decorated with feathers and other impressive elements. In addition, the models of the new series have a unique geometry. The weapon series includes the SAR 109T Specs and the AWP.

As an experiment, Random Boxes with "Eagle Shot" camos have guaranteed drops for the 50th and the 100th opening. Share your thoughts about this innovation in the comments!

Bug Fixes

Weapons and Gear

  • AS Val Custom, IWI Galil ACE 23, IWI Galil ACE Gen II Rifle: fixed a bug due to which the installed charms intersected with the weapon frames.


  • "Highway", "Truck Parking": fixed a bug due to which the grenade smoke cloud had an incorrect shade.


  • Progression System: fixed a bug due to which the Sniper Rifle Suppressor was missing from the rewards.

Known Issues

  • Some weapon icons may not be centered.
  • Missing localization of some texts.

See you in the game!

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