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"Shopper": make purchases and get rewards!

Categories: Offers


Do you like shopping in the game store and filling up your inventory with powerful weapons, equipment, or customization items? Well, now you can be rewarded for your purchases with gold and regular weapon models, rare skins, crafting cards, or even 1000 free cards. You can take part in the offer now and pick up one gift before starting your spending spree!

Offer page

Offer conditions

The offer is already on and will be live till 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on the 7th of April. Participating in the offer is easy: just purchase any items for Kredits in the game store, then go to a special page and use your accumulated shopper points to open cells with rewards.

You will open the items that interest you gradually, cell after cell. Check where your desired reward is located, and move to it, opening the cells that are connected like branches. Open all of the cells to get the mega prize, a case with 1000 free cards that can be spent on creating any gun in the crafting system.

The full list of rewards is available on the offer page. You can click on a cell to find out more details about what’s inside. To spend points, select the item in the cell and confirm the action by clicking the "confirm choice" button. Please note: after the end of the offer, all the remaining unused points will expire and will not transfer to any future offers.

Please note:

  • The total sum of Kredits you spend in the game store are taken into account in the offer. Every 5 Kredits spent in the store are converted into 1 offer point (SP).
  • You cannot sell the reward items on the Matketplace.
  • You can receive the prizes in each cell only once, including the rewards from the crates.
  • The items you receive will be available for transfer in the "Inventory" section of the website.

Q: Does exchanging extra cards for free ones for Kredits in the exchange center count?
A: No.

Q: Do the Kredits spent on the Marketplace or in other services count?
A: No, only the ones spent in the game store.

Q: Does the purchase of the Battle Pass access and its levels or purchases in the seasonal store, as well as skipping contracts for Kredits count in the offer? 
A: No.

Q: Does unlocking access to the safe, as well as purchasing event currency, in the "Big Hunt" event count in the offer?
A: No.

Q: What gifts can I receive?
A: You can find the full list of rewards on the offer page. You can get any of the prizes if you spend a sufficient amount of Kredits and open the cell with the desired reward.

Q: Can I sell the reward items on the Matketplace?
A: Unfortunately, no, you cannot.

Q: How many times can I receive each gift?
A: The rewards in each cell and case are issued only once.

Q: If I want to unlock all the branches and get all the rewards, do I need to make one single payment for 5,000 Kredits (1000 shopping points in the offer)?
A: Not necessarily. All expenses add up, so they can be distributed at your discretion.

You can track your progress on a special page. The more you spend, the more you can open cells and get desired rewards! The data on the page is updated every hour. It can take up to 6 hours for the data to be refreshed at night.

Have a nice shopping and good luck!

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