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[UPD] Status of Issues after the "Rock Solid" Update

Categories: Patch Notes


On March 16th, the "Rock Solid" seasonal update was installed on the game server. The update originally had risks of causing certain difficulties due to the fact that it affected the in-game progression system, which is a core mechanic that is involved in literally every aspect of the game. Unfortunately, some users did in fact face a number of issues. Some of them had a significant impact on gameplay and playability, while others had a lesser impact but still reduced the quality of the large update.

In this article, we want to tell you about the status of the aforementioned problems we have at the moment and share what we plan to do next. You can read all about it below. If you're wondering what changes have been made to the game in the "Rock Solid" season, check out the full patch notes.

Full Change Log

UPD: Fixed Bugs


  • Fixed some causes of spontaneous crashes of the game client. For example, after purchasing Battle Pass levels or at the end of a match on the scoreboard. According to our statistics, the number of crashes has decreased by about 2 times, but there are still more of them than before the update.
  • [25.03: partially resolved, 28.03: fully resolved] Fixed a bug due to which some players were not credited with the Ruger Mk IV Lite pistol upon reaching the 21st league. Players who received the 21st league after the maintenance on March 18th correctly get the pistol. Those who had reached the league before the maintenance began have already received the gun to their Inventories in the game with a corresponding in-game notification.
  • The bug due to which, after the update, some players' previously accumulated XP was converted into higher ranks or prestige levels (players received level 91 and higher without gaining enough experience) has been partially fixed.

Please note: if you have encountered this error and got a high level, we will write off all the extra experience you gained and return it to the level before the update. However, obtained golden weapons and achievements will not be taken away as compensation for the lost progress gained fairly during the 2 days. For now, the write-off of experience has been postponed, but it will be completed in the near future.

  • [05.04: fixed] Some players who finished the recent Ranked Matches season in top three leagues have not received a seasonal box with camouflages. We have given all players who played at least one match in these leagues one box with camouflages.
  • [14.04] After purchasing the standard premium access, the daily task may not be available to some players once the timer expires. We have granted 600 Battle Pass XP to such players as a compensation


Battle Pass

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players with Standard Premium Access from unlocking two extra daily task slots.


  • Oil Depot Convoy, Phantom Zone Convoy: fixed a bug due to which environmental sounds were not loaded on the maps.


  • Fixed a bug due to which active boosters were incorrectly displayed next to the players' nicknames on the scoreboard.
  • Fixed a bug due to which banner images were missing from the main menu.

Website and Game

  • Random Boxes, which were removed earlier due to problems with experience gain in the progression system, will soon return to the in-game store (the problem was solved by a hotfix on March 18).

There is a Solution to the Problem

  • Rewards for ranks can be granted with a delay. Please play a few matches to get all the prizes.
  • In some cases, the level up reward notification does not correspond to the items of choice offered in the next window (the player is offered to choose from other articles). In this case, just play several matches or wait a bit and you will get the reward.
  • Client installation issue: the Game Center reports insufficient disk space (try to free up some space and deactivate the anti-virus during the update download to resolve the issue).
  • The PvP mode or Ranked Matches are not available in spite of a high character level. To unlock them, play any PvE mission or Special Operation and correctly complete it with a victory or a defeat.

Will Be Fixed in the Upcoming Updates

Battle Pass

  • The Battle Pass contract name is not localized.


  • Some mods have an incorrect description.

Work in Progress

This section includes all other problems. As a rule, they are less critical or a small percentage of players encounter them. We will continue to investigate the issues; however, we can expect fixes for these problems in several updates or after a certain time.

  • The client crashes when exiting the game via the menu.
  • In some cases, upon reaching prestige levels (100 and above), information is not displayed in the "Progress" and "Profile" sections (players see a blank screen).
  • Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 (all versions): incorrect shooting sound.
  • Sunrise: in some cases, players get kicked by the internal defense system (for example, when using a portable shield).
  • Easy PvE Mission (Africa, Act 2): the mission cannot be completed as, at some stage, there spawns no NPC, which must be eliminated to continue completion.
  • The first victory of the day reward notification mentions vendors.

Why did it Happen?

Due to the quantity of new features and tweaks, the probability of technical problems increased. In spite of all testing, many of the current issues manifested themselves only under load on the live server.

We are sorry that you have faced these issues. We will do our best to draw on this experience in future updates.

At the moment, we have managed to solve the most critical problems - these are crashes and issues with the progression system. We will continue to work on the remaining bugs and will promptly report any changes.

If you are experiencing any other problems, please, report them in on our Discord server.

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