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75% discount on both subscription types

Categories: Offers


Do you want great guns, equipment, and other useful items? Then join the subscription service! With the current offer the cost of any subscription will be reduced by 75%. Choose the type of access (gold or standrad) - and enjoy all the benefits!  

The packs of items granted by the standard and the gold subscriptions have been updated! Check out new articles on  the subscription page


The offer is already valid and will be off at 20:59 UTC (21:59 CET) on the 17th of November. It applies to the purchase of a monthly gold or standard version of the subscription. You can get access to it on a special page. Please note: you can only use the offer once.

Subscription type Old price New price
Standard (30 d.) 9,99 dollars / 9,5 euros / 84,49 TL

2,5 dollars / 2,38 euros / 21,12 TL

Gold (30 d.) 29,99 dollars / 28,5 euros / 254,9 TL

7,5 dollars / 7,1 euros / 63,73 TL

How does the subscription work?
  • The subscription duration is 1 month. After the expiration date, it can be renewed.
  • Every Monday after 9:00 UTC (10:00 CET) there is an opportunity to choose a new set of weapons and equipment. Still, you can use the service any other day before the timer is reset.
  • Every week for a month, a choice of temporary sets of weapons and equipment for four classes is offered. You must choose one of them for the following 7 days.
  • The choice of class will determine which set of temporary equipment you receive. For example, in the first week, you can choose the Rifleman set, the next week - Medic, and so on. Please note that once confirmed, the selection cannot be changed until the next Monday, when the timer is reset.
  • The selected set of items can be picked up from the "My Items" section in your personal account.
  • Only one type of subscription can be active on your account at a time.

Best of luck in combat!

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