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F.A.Q. Modifications: Part II

Categories: Dev News


The previous announcements of modifications on the website caused heated discussions. Some players liked the novelty while others are quite wary of it. We have read and collected all your feedback on different platforms. Thank you for sharing your impressions and concerns with us - it really matters a lot. Your opinions about the new feature will definitely be taken into account while developing and implementing the system. Now we are searching for the most successful solutions that can please all parties and take into account the interests of the majority of players. In the meantime, we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions on the matter.

Mods and their specs

Q: What do we need the mod system for?
A: We have added modifications to give players the possibility to customize weapons to better suit their playstyles. Weapons will remain balanced, but, players will be able to improve certain specs at the cost of other characteristics of the arms.

The modifications system will diversify the weapon line-up used by players. By spending time in the game and completing tasks, players will be able to get powerful guns and customize them to suit their personal needs. One of the possible options for the development of the system: upon completing a contract, you will receive weapons that can be modified using special parts and upgrade arms to a higher tier.
We welcome your feedback and are ready to change the feature if necessary. We want the modifications system to be comfortable and fun.

Q: How will modifications affect the game balance?
A: First of all, it is important to note that most mods have both positive and negative effects on the performance of guns. So, improving one characteristic of a weapon you will degrade another one, that is the weapon will not become overpowered.

It will not be possible to modify all weapons. This decision aims to maintain the balance so that powerful guns most often used by veterans do not become even stronger. We want to diversify the arsenal used by players in battles so that you can use other items by changing their specs. At the same time, bonuses provided by mods will be different, depending on the category of weapons, namely:

  • Weapons not compatible with the modifications system (most articles of the current arsenal) that cannot be modified.
  • Weapons specially designed for modifications. The specs of their basic versions will not surpass those of powerful guns, but you can gradually customize them to suit your gameplay style. Upon installing mods, such weapons will become truly unique and competitive.
  • Vendor weapons. These arms will get more bonuses; thus, you will have an opportunity to improve your old favourite weapons and comfortably use them in combat again.

Q: Why do weapon mods have such specs? They only make guns weaker.
A: The characteristics you saw earlier on screenshots are not final and will change. At the moment, the system is being tested and we are working on rebalancing them. In addition, mods designed for different categories of weapons may have different specs.

Please bear in mind that mods are meant to change weapons. And we aim to balance things so that mods make weapons more comfortable to play with, but not overpowered.

Q: Will there be a full description of the mods specs? Do you plan to add a comparison chart of the weapon performance with and without mods?
A: Yes, we plan to add hidden stats as part of a game interface update. While we are working on the interface, you can find the complete information in dedicated publications.

On the screenshot, you can see test specs that are subject to change

How can I get mods? What weapons can they be installed on?

Q: Why are mods random?
A: We reward players for spending time in the game - you play and get additional rewards for game sessions. Thus, the advantage can be gained solely by spending time in the game, without additional investment.

At the same time, the best set of modifications will not be easy to get. To obtain it, you will need to improve the mastery of weapons, spend a lot of time in combats and complete daily tasks. We think the best mods are a good reward for a veteran for passing time in the game.

Q: What weapons will be available for an upgrade?
A: At the first stage, mods will be available for Vendor weapons and equipment. Later, we plan to add modifications for new weapons. It is possible that future weapons designed for the new feature will have a new type of rarity. Arms of this category will not be stronger than the best weapons in the game, but, at the same time, they will be competitive and comfortable to play with since you can customize them the way you like.

Q: What currency will we need? Will weapon upgrades require investment?
A: To upgrade weapons and equipment, you will need parts that can be obtained for completing simple tasks.

Q: How long does it take to upgrade an arm?
A: Each weapon and equipment piece has a different upgrade time. The time it takes to master an article depends on the item - some guns can be upgraded faster than stronger ones.

Q: Why would I need to upgrade weak weapons if I already have powerful guns?
A: You can upgrade weak arms to get familiar with the modification system. At the same time, mods will make some weapons competitive again reminding players of the good old days and let them play with the so familiar arms with which they started their ascent to higher ranks. At the same time, mods will make these guns more powerful.

Q: Now it is impossible to understand which weapons can be modified. How do I know if a weapon can be upgraded?
A: We are considering several options to indicate this possibility. So far, the mod system is in the final stages of development and we will show you the results later.

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