Sharing "Heist" Survey Results
We conduct regular surveys aiming to accumulate your feedback and fine-tune the game development to make your gaming experience more comfortable and exciting. Recently, we have launched the first seasonal update "Heist" of an unprecedented scale. We put our inspiration, effort and many work hours in it. So, naturally, we longed to learn how it went down with you. Thus, we carried out a survey on the update, and we are grateful to everyone who took part in it and shared their thoughts. We have thoroughly studied the feedback, and are ready to share with you the results.
Technical issues while downloading the update
The overwhelming majority of players stated that they faced no problems while downloading the recent update. Only a small percentage of users faced certain technical issues.
We are very glad that nothing cast shade on your first impression of the season "Heist". At the same time, we will carry on our work to make the installation process even smoother so that the majority became absolute.
Overall opinion on the update
Most survey participants think that after the update the game has become better or slightly improved while about 40 per cent of the respondents indicated that the game has not changed.
We are constantly working on creating new content and delivering the best entertainment possible. "Heist" brought lots of novelties and unique mechanics into Warface. We are happy to know that you like them and will do our best not to let you get bored.
Update Coverage
We also asked you about the news coverage of the new season. Prior to the update, we issued a series of articles announcing the main features of "Heist", its mechanics and novelties. We also published the full change log and complete patch notes. However, according to the survey results, the information was not extensive enough. Could you please share with us any ideas regarding the format or contents of announcements you would like to see?
Be sure to leave a comment on our forum or social media. We will be studying your feedback very carefully to improve this aspect as well.
Technical Quality of the Game
As for the technical state of the game, most survey participants noted that after the update the game has not changed, has become better or slightly improved.
That is a positive trend. The technical side of the game is one of our top priorities. Updates bring heaps of fixes and improvements. We also appreciate your help to detect and reproduce new and existing bugs. Your reports help us accumulate necessary data and come up with a prompt solution. We will do our best to complete the total fumigation and let no bugs into our beloved game.
The things you liked most in the update
The new special operation turned out to be the favourite feature of the season. At the same time, the rifle AK-15 Custom and the themed Battle Pass also got their share of up votes.
We are happy to know that you have appreciated our effort. We have more new amazing content in store for you.
The things you didn't like in the update
Almost half of the respondents could not choose an exact option while the majority of players selected the new PvP map for "Blitz".
We have studied your feedback on the themed PvP map. After the release of the update, it got almost instant fixes to illumination. The map became brighter and visibility on it improved. Despite the fact that the amount of positive feedback increased significantly, your reviews are still mixed.
We understand that some community members would like the map to be removed from Ranked Matches. To make a fair and transparent decision, in the near future we will carry out a vote so that you could determine the fate of the map. Please note that the survey will be randomly offered to the majority of players when ending the game. We will inform you about its results in a separate publication. Stay tuned!
We intend to continue carrying out regular surveys and sharing their results with the community. Thanks for taking part in the game development. Your opinion means a world to us.
See you in battle!