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35% top-up bonus and Chitin shop update

Categories: General

What a combo! 35% top-up bonus meets a fresh shop update. Let's dive right into the details.

Top-up bonus

For all of you who have longed for a great top up deal - we would like to introduce a special offer active from today till 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on the 11th of April.


Upon purchasing certain Kredit packs, you will receive 35% bonus Kredits on your accounts! Each package bonus can be applied only once. Please see the table below for more information:


Chitin Shop Update

The following line-up will be available in store till around 9:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) on the 12th of April:

  • Golden weapons via Direct Sale for Kredits with a 10% discount: CZ 805 BREN A2, Uzkon UNG-12, SIG MPX SBR Custom, Bushmaster BA50;
  • Random boxes for Kredits with a 20% discount: АК-12, Benelli M4 Custom, AMB-17, VKS;
  • "Syndicate" gear via Direct Sale for Kredits or Crowns: Engineer vest, Engineer helmet, Sniper vest, Sniper helmet, Rifleman vest, Rifleman helmet, Medic vest, Medic helmet, gloves, shoes;
  • Weapons from the "Chitin" series via Direct Sale for Kredits: Howa Type 89 Custom, IWI Carmel, SAI GRY LMG, Uzkon UNG-12, Kel-Tec KS7, Marlin 1894 Custom, АМ-17, AMB-17, SIG MPX SBR Custom, VSK, Truvelo CMS 20x42 mm, Remington MSR, Maxim 9, S&W M&P R8, HX Outdoors Trident.

Special Highlight: "Chitin" Weapons

”Chitin” weapon series features a unique look with lots of bright colours and is set in the style of the Special Operation “Swarm”. The series contains vivid powerhouse guns for all classes! Please note that not all the weapons in the picture are now available in the game shop; they serve only as an example.

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