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F.A.Q. on Customer Support Service (Part 2)

Categories: General


We continue to answer F.A.Q. on the customer support service. In Part I of the series, we have already told you about the way this department works and why it is essential to submit tickets. This time we’d like to address another burning issue and reveal some internal processes so that you could have a clear idea of what and how is done.

We sometimes get comments like “devs do nothing to prevent cheaters from playing the game” or “I reported a cheater N days ago but they go on playing”. Let’s break the issue down into several questions and clear it up. 

1. When filing a report, why should I specify the violator's nickname if it is clearly visible on the video and screenshots?

When you submit a ticket, an automatic search for the violator is carried out, in other words, we check if he or she is present in the game database. In this case, the customer support specialist immediately receives all the information about the potential violator; thus, reducing the time of request processing. In addition, a nickname sometimes contains various symbols and it is quite easy to make a mistake when writing it down using a video or a screenshot.

2. What should I do if I don't remember the violator's nickname?

You can always take a screenshot, even on the after match statistics screen. In the Game Center settings you can configure hotkeys, format, quality and path to the folder with images. Moreover, there are many other screenshot utilities. Finally, you can report a potential cheater in the game.

3. Why a video providing evidence does not always result in a ban of a violator?

Customer support operators use a range of tools to make ban decisions. Videos and screenshots are auxiliary means that help to quickly identify violation, but they alone are not sufficient for a ban. If, after carrying out high priority procedures, there is still not enough information, operators resort to sent videos or screenshots. In other words, the video is an additional tool and a reason to start an investigation. During the investigation, experts rely on game logs and protection systems activation.

4. I reported a blatant cheater in the game. Why did I face them the next day?

If, after submitting an in-game report, a player does not get banned for a long time, this may mean that at the time of filing a complaint, there was not enough evidence for a ban and the account has been put under additional monitoring. As soon as enough proof is collected, the account will be banned. In addition, a violation can be committed by a hacker using a stolen account, but when the real account owner contacts the support, the account gets unbanned.

5. Why do not cheaters get immediately banned and sometimes play for weeks?

A player who violates game rules is always (always!) penalized. But this may not happen in an instant: we carefully analyze the available data to eliminate the risk of erroneous bans.

To ban an account, you must have a solid evidence base (logs, screenshots, videos). It takes some time to collect the necessary data. Moreover, in most cases, anti-cheat logs are required. If you happen to see a new/updated cheat, please, let us know as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the faster we can study it and react.

Apart from investigations carried out by customer support specialists, the game implements regularly updated protection mechanisms, which in most cases automatically ban violators. We work on these mechanisms on a daily basis, and we sometimes publish the results in the news feed. As you have already seen, we work hard to improve the gameplay for honest players.

If you encounter a player using cheats, be sure to send a ticket on the corresponding support page. It is especially important to file a complaint if you believe it has to do with a new or updated prohibited software. The sooner we get information about it, the faster we will study it and will be able to counteract it.

6. Why don’t I get a ban notification after reporting a cheater? I would like to know the fate of the violator!

You will only be notified if your report was one of the most recent ones. If it happens to be one of the first complaints, you may not receive a ban notification.

When it comes to filing a complaint via the support page, the answer depends on the current status of the investigation into a potential violator.

That’s it for the second part of our F.A.Q. on customer support service. Be sure to check out the first part of the article providing answers to the most popular questions regarding the way our support works. We hope that we have answered your concerns regarding our combat against cheaters. Please, remember that on this battlefield we are allies. We require your help and will greatly appreciate it. 

Be sure to ask more questions in the comments and leave your feedback. We will do our best to ensure comfortable game experience for honest players.

See you in game!

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