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WFC Fun Cup 3 on FaceIt

Categories: ESports
Great news for fighters who have longed to demonstrate their skills and expand armouries with new sleek items. The third Warface Tournament will be carried out on the hottest Esports platform FaceIt; but this time combats will take place on a special Warface tournament server. The registration has already begun. Do not miss your chance to compete with the best Warface teams! 
At 15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST) on the 15th of August 2020, Esports teams will face each other in a single elimination tournament in the 5v5 game mode (on the following maps: Bridges, D17, Destination, Factory, Palace, Yard, and District). Only a fair combat can determine the real champion!

WFC Fun Cup 3


Note: The time indicated is UTC.

  • August the 11th, 23:00 – sign-up ends;
  • August the 15th, 15:00 – tournament starts.


Tournament Rules

Prize Pool

  • 1st place (for each player): 4000 Kredits, 4000 Crowns, Open Cup Avalanche Skins: Enfield L85A2 Custom, Fabarm XLR5 Prestige, Honey Badger, Steyr Scout, SIG Sauer P226 C, Katana;
  • 2nd place (for each player): 3000 Kredits, 3000 Crowns, Open Cup Avalanche Skins: Enfield L85A2 Custom, Fabarm XLR5 Prestige, Honey Badger, Steyr Scout, SIG Sauer P226 C, Katana;
  • 3rd/4th place (for each player): 2000 Kredits, 2000 Crowns, Open Cup Avalanche Skins: Enfield L85A2 Custom, Fabarm XLR5 Prestige, Honey Badger, Steyr Scout, SIG Sauer P226 C, Katana.




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