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Gifts for Purchases in the Game Store

Categories: General


Make purchases in the game shop till the 24th of June and receive special bonuses for the spent Kredits: crafting cards for Cobalt Kinetics series and the weapons of the "Blackwood" series. Do not miss this great chance to stock up your arsenal!

Take part

Please note: you won't be able to transfer "Blackwood" weapons into the game before the new update is live.


Make purchases for Kredits and get gifts!

  1. From 09:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) today to 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on June the 24th, purchase items or Random Boxes for Kredits in the game store.
  2. Track the spending progress on a special page. The greater the amount of spent Kredits, the better the gifts! Please note: the data on the page is processed within approximately one hour.
  3. Once you have reached the required amount of expenses, the reward will be available in the inventory on the "Services" page.
 Over 1500 Kredits
Cobalt Kinetics Crafting Card Box
4 units
25–99 Kredits
M134-GAU19b Hybrid Blackwood
10 days
100–249 Kredits
Tavor TS12 Custom Blackwood
10 days

Q: Are Kredit expenses on the marketplace or in other services taken into account?
A: No, only those in the game store are.

Q: If I want to receive a gift for 1100 spent Kredits, do I need to make a one-time purchase for this amount?
A:Not necessary. All expenses are summarized, so they can be distributed at your discretion.

Enjoy shopping!

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