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Ten New Features of Operation "Blackwood"

Categories: General

We continue to share with you the details of the new Special Operation “Blackwood” that will soon become available in the game. Today we will focus on features and unique mechanics that the most important chapter in the Warface story is preparing for you!

1. Fight on the side of the enemy

For the first time ever, you will fight on the side of your nemesis Blackwood. Forming part of the “Omega Black” squad, assembled from the captured and deceived “Wega-5” soldiers, you will find yourselves on the other side of the fence, and will play an important role in Oberon White’s plans. You will have to act quickly and decisively; however, you will not known who is right and whom you can trust, while there will be many unexpected plot twists. The SpecOp will make you take a fresh look at the confrontation between Warface and Blackwood.

2. Various ways of completion

The special operation starts in a secret Blackwood complex consisting of three buildings. It will be up to you to choose the order and manner of capturing them. You can achieve this goal via a direct confrontation or opt for a stealthy approach without making a fuss. After capturing each edifice, you will engage in a fight against the boss. It will become more difficult to take over each subsequent building, so you will have to wisely reckon your abilities and choose the right tactics.

3. New enemies

In Operation “Blackwood”, you will face your former Warface comrades. The enemy ranks will include infantry and military equipment including armored personnel carriers and helicopters. To hold out, you will require all your skill and teamwork experience!

4. Unique bosses

You will have to combat three unique bosses, each of them will require an individual approach. The ability to teleport, fly and create additional obstacles - the enemy is preparing a wide range of nasty surprises! Battles are divided into several stages, during which the bosses’ behavior and weapons as well as the battlefield will change. 

5. Defence

To fight against the boss, your team will need to separate into two squads - one will connect to SED operator units (there are only 3 of them) while the other will remain at the base to protect the terminal with their teammates linked to the units. Defenders will be able to erect barricades, use portable turrets, laser barriers and other means of defense. You can also order grenade launchers to turn enemy equipment into a pile of junk!

6. Resource gathering

Players will need resources to activate SED link units and build fortifications. They can be collected by killing opponents and by opening special boxes that will appear between the waves of enemy attacks. Distribute roles within the team and use short breaks wisely to gather supplies before the next assault. Bear in mind that you can fix the damaged terminal only once!

7. New location

You will find yourself on one of the volcanic islands in the northern Atlantic Ocean. This is a unique region that has never been seen in the game. Fascinating views of the Blackwood base covered in fog will not leave anyone indifferent!

8. Special reward system

We remind you that a week is allotted for mission completion. During this time you can destroy bosses in different order. After the cycle is over, you will automatically receive from one to three crates with a reward. Therefore, you need to kill last different bosses every time you complete the operation.

9. Unique achievements

Win, succeed and earn unique achievements. Only the best fighters will be able to proudly decorate their profiles with these memorable distinctions. Become one of them!

10. "Blackwood" weapon series

By completing the special operation, you can get cards for crafting weapons designed in a sleek black and red Blackwood palette. The arms stand out thanks to the Blackwood logo, styled as a blood trail adorning the charcoal-black frames. The brutal appearance of the new weapon series will strike terror into the hearts of your enemies!




All these novelties and more are waiting for you in the new special operation.

See you in combat!

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