Soon in game: M4 Custom
M4 Custom
The M4 carbine was elaborated by Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC. Back in 1984, the company's engineers decided to develop a shorter version of the M16A2. After the arm's mass production began, since 1994, the United States Armed Forces have extensively used the carbine under the general name "M4 Carbine". The military appreciated the outstanding characteristics of the new weapon, and it became the main individual arm in all special forces. Now, most semi-automatic (self-loading) civilian versions of the M4 carbine are fabricated by the weapon manufacturer Bushmaster Firearms International LLC.
On the market, there are plenty of attachments and additional accessories available for all M4 modifications. There is a variety of barrels of different lengths and calibers, box and drum magazines, telescoping stocks, grips, forends and other replaceable parts to choose from. Thanks to this diversity, you can easily customize your weapon, adapting it to the evolving combat conditions. The carbine is also distinguished by a special design: the axis of the barrel channel passes through the support point of the buttstock, which prevents the rifle from being thrown up due to recoil and also increases accuracy.
Weapon in game
The M4 Custom is an Engineer primary with a fairly high rate of fire and low recoil. It is likely to land a one headshot kill and shows high efficiency while shooting at short and medium distances. Among it peers, the carbine stands out thanks to its good range and impressive accuracy, as well as flashy looks that the fans of exclusive weapons will surely appreciate.
The M4 Custom can be equipped with four unique attachments. The first one is a flash suppressor that reduces the damage drop, increases penetration and slightly decreases the barrel shake due to recoil. The second module is the grip that significantly increases hip fire accuracy and the reload speed, and slightly reduces recoil. The third attachment is a forend that significantly decreases recoil and increases hip fire accuracy. The fourth and the last available accessory is a 1.2x sight that significantly reduces sway in the aiming mode.

The M4 Custom will definitely occupy an honorable place in your collection!
The new carbine M4 Custom will be available for crafting with cards. We will announce the exact date when it will appear in the crafting system and additional ways to get cards in our future publications.

By killing enemies with this weapon you will be able to get memorable distinctions.