Soon in game: Special Operation "Blackwood"
The next Warface update will bring along a new Special Operation "Blackwood" that has already been mentioned in the development roadmap for 2020. The operation will feature one-off bosses, different completion order and unique environment!
Such a test requires thorough preparation. Examine the intel, recall all the events taking place in this chapter of the Warface story, complete combat missions with friends on a special promo page and get cool guns!
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You join "Omega Black" and set off on your first operation under the command of Oberon White. The goal is to retake the research base captured by Warface forces and prevent Blackwood secret developments from falling into the opponents' hands.
Features of the Special Operation
The Special Operation "Blackwood" has plenty of unique features that will certainly interest all fans of the genre.
Plot. The further development of the story of "Wega-5" fighters, Agent Noda and Oberon White with unexpected plot twists.
New setting. You will find yourselves on a volcanic island in the northern Atlantic Ocean. It is a unique region that has never been seen in the game. The Blackwood military research complex consisting of three bases that you will have to capture is located here.
Large open area. You will decide where to go and how to explore the vast territory of the island.
Different completion order. The sequence of events of the Special Operation depends on the order of base activation. That’s why every mission you will take up will be different from the previous one!
Underground locations. You have to break into underground laboratories, each one designed in a unique style.
New enemies. Fighting on the side of Blackwood, you will clash with your recent comrades and face Warface military devices.
Unique bosses. Each boss has different combat mechanics and weak points. So, you will have to find a special approach to each of them. Depending on the completion order, the difficulty, tactics and weapons of bosses will change!
Role separation. While fighting against a boss, your team will have to split up to perform fundamentally different tasks that will affect the overall result.
Auxiliary means. Collect resources to purchase grenade launchers, laser shields, barricades, and a completely new portable turret. This equipment will greatly simplify enemy destruction.
Reward system. To get the maximum reward, you will need to complete the operation three times so that each time you kill a new boss last. The reward will be distributed after the end of the weekly cycle allotted for mission completion.
Are you ready for tests and adventures ahead?
Start with a series of important special operations carried out by the Warface squad in various parts of the world. Complete combat tasks during special operations and PvP battles to earn rewards! Log in or sign up on a special promo page to get access to the tasks.
For each completed task, participants will receive boxes with cards for crafting, and powerful guns of the “Obsidian” and “Onyx” series. These trusty weapons will undoubtedly come in handy while completing the following missions and Special Operations.
Time to choose the right side!