May the 4th Shop Update
Categories: Offers
04 May 2020 10:30 AM UTC
Prepare for jump to hyperspace! "Galaxy" series and Force-imbued blades await till the 6th of May!
Prepare for jump to hyperspace! "Galaxy" series and Force-imbued blades await!
The following line-up will be available in store till around 09:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) on the 6th of May:
- Direct Sale (Crowns): "Galaxy" H&K USP
- Direct Sale (Kredits): "Nuclear" katana, "Earth Shaker" katana, Golden Fostech Origin-12, Golden McMillan CS5, Calico M951S
- Direct Sale (Kredits) of "Galaxy" weapons with 15% discount: SAP6, SAI GRY AR-15, H&K MP5A5, Uzkon UNG-12, Micro-Roni, H&K G28, HArms CQR
- Crown Random Boxes: "Nuclear" katana and "Earth Shaker" katana
- Kredit Random Boxes: Kriss Super V Custom, SV-98, McMillan CS5, Desert Tech MDR-C, Fostech Origin-12
Details from the holocron
"Galaxy" series is believed to be comprised of Force-resistant advanced weapons.
"Galaxy" weapons come with unique camouflaged accessories perfectly fitting their cosmic design.

There are reports of remarkable achievements coming for 10 000 bounties obtained with "Galaxy" weapons!
Stay on target!