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Great Gatsby visits the store: part 2

Categories: Offers
It takes two to make an accident. Or maybe it's a carefully planned sabotage? An epic hunt? Whatever the occasion - the "Great Gatsby" series will be there for you in your moments of triumph and those of celebration. But we've got more to offer than just deadly style, have a look!
The following line-up will be available in store till around 9:00 UTC (11:00 CEST) on the 22nd of April:
  • "Great Gatsby" Kredit Random Boxes: Stoner LMG A1, Thompson M1928, Marlin 1894 Custom, H&K G28
  • Direct Sale of Golden versions: Enfield L85A2 Custom, Tavor CTAR-21, SVU-AS

Special Highlight: "Great Gatsby" Stoner LMG A1

Stunning looks, classy stats - what's more to wish for? Ah, indeed, custom achievements!

Having a good time, old sport?


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New top-up bonuses
Excellent news for those who want a great deal to expand their armory!
17 Apr 2020 general
Soon in game: Sten MK IIS
Soon the game will feature a new cool primary for the Rifleman - Sten MK IIS. It has an interesting history of creation and packs a superb punch. In the game, the Sten MK IIS offers a high rate of fire, excellent accuracy, an integrated silencer and unique sight accessories.
17 Apr 2020 general

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