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Soon in game: new SED items

Categories: General

The next game update will feature new equipment and weapon for the SED, which will allow you to diversify the class combat strategy and its habitual gameplay.

"Mercury" Equipment

The SED has become one of the most talked about novelties of 2019. It is very different from other classes, but at the same time its intuitive mechanics can be easily mastered by any player who spent at least a couple of hours in Warface.
The introduction of the SED into the game expanded the range of class interaction schemes on the battlefield. Now the Medic is able to show how truly devastating he can be, the Engineer can provide even greater support to his squad, while the Sniper has to reckon with a fighter who is not easily defeated with a single well-aimed shot.
The influence of the SED on the gameplay has been widely discussed since its introduction. Part of our players fell in love with the robot as a “sniper killer,” while others noted a slowdown in the pace of the game for both the SED and other users. The discussion of the recent announcement of SED tweaks showed that it is necessary to act carefully, taking into account interests and requests of all groups of players. It is important to preserve the class features of the SED that players like, but at the same time to give fresh gaming experience to those who were not "hooked" by the original SED.
The new “Mercury” SED gear set, which increases the robot’s speed of movement and reduces its armor, seems a great solution. At the same time, the previous armor sets will remain unchanged. Thus, SEDs will retain the function of a slow “tank”; however, they will be able to assume the role of a more mobile but less enduring fighter. The possibility to select equipment most suitable for a certain combat style is an interesting and viable solution that will give the fifth class a fresh coat of paint.

By equipping all the four “Mercury” modules, you will unlock the full potential of the set since it is the set bonus that provides the robot with increased mobility.

"Mercury" head module
Detects enemy's claymores
"Mercury" body module
Armor points: 330.
Decreases damage by 15 points per hit.
Increases protection against explosives by 32%.
"Mercury" hands module
Increases arm protection by 20%.
Increases weapon select and deselect speed by 20%.
"Mercury" legs module
Delays claymore activation by 3 sec.
Increases leg protection by 20%.
Increases sprint distance by 400%.
Decreases slide distance by 40%.
Decreases sprint speed by 15%.
Decreases strafe speed by 45%.
"Mercury" SED Set
Additional bonus to slide distance: 20%.
Additional bonus to sprint speed: 10%.
Additional bonus to strafe speed: 7%.
Additional bonus to crouch speed: 10%.
Decreases the sound of movement.

To unlock the full potential of the set you will need to equip all the four “Mercury” modules since it is the set bonus that provides the robot with greater mobility.

M134-GAU19b Hybrid

Apart from the equipment, the SED will also acquire a new weapon M134-GAU19b Hybrid. As the name suggests, it is a hybrid of two multi-barrel machine guns M134 and GAU19, usually installed on military vehicles. The new arm features the base and controls of M134, and the three-barrel rotating block of GAU19.

The new machine gun as well as the “Mercury” gear set is designed to make the gameplay more dynamic. M134-GAU19b Hybrid stands out among other SED weapons thanks to an incredibly high rate of fire. In addition, the new weapon overheats and cools faster meaning that the arm is more suitable for shooting in deadly short bursts rather than for continuous fire.

We hope that you will appreciate the new gear and weapon for the SED and develop even more combat strategies for this class.

Please note that the specs indicated are preliminary and can be subject to change.

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