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Bird Of Prey Shop Update

Categories: Offers


Another dawn, another day but aren't you still a bird of prey?! Let no one stop your hunt with invaluable partners available in store till around 11:00 CEST (9:00 UTC) on the 30th of August:

  • Regular and Golden H&K G28 via Random Kredit Boxes + "Galaxy" H&K G28  via Direct Sale
  • Golden and "Galaxy" Micro-Roni via Direct Sale

Special highlight: H&K G28

When it comes to combat stats, H&K G28 is a totally different breed. The rifle allows its user to be effective at any range, as its unique collimator sight accommodates for medium to close range encounters. Alongside versatility, G28 excels in delivering substantial damage — two shots will be enough to take any target down, while a single headshot will be lethal. To add spice to the mix, this German DMR’s not too needy on recoil and boasts a competitive rate of fire, while the Golden version grants an even greater rate of fire and an increased magazine capacity.

Master the art of hunting!

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