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Soon in game: Tavor TS12 Custom

Categories: Offers


We are glad to present a new Medic primary Tavor TS12 Custom that will appear in the game in the next update. The Israeli shotgun that features striking next-gen looks and a three-round-burst firing mode will definitely be appreciated by weapon connoisseurs!

Tavor TS12

At the beginning of 2018 a new gun of the Tavor line-up, a semi-automatic smoothbore shotgun TS12, was presented to the public by IWI US (a subsidiary company of Israel Weapon Industries). Let’s check out how TS12 shapes up against ordinary shotguns: first, it is a bullpup shotgun set in quite a large plastic barrel; second, it features an underbarrel rotating tubular magazine. Each magazine tube can hold five shotgun shells meaning that the potential overall mag capacity is 16 rounds (don’t forget about one additional round in the chamber).

The TS12 comes equipped with a full-length Picatinny top rail as well as M-Lok slots on the forward handguard for mounting optics, flashlights and accessories that make it even more “tactical”.

Weapon in game 

Tavor TS12 Custom is a one-off shotgun that fires three-round bursts and boasts fast follow-up shots. One burst will eliminate any foe in a heartbeat! This weapon offers good accuracy while aiming and also excellent range. On top of that, the load-one-round-and-resume-fire system makes Tavor TS12 Custom lethal in close and medium range combat that fits Meds just perfectly.

The gun’s golden version sports impeccable looks, increased damage and a large capacity 18-round mag. Without a doubt, Tavor TS12 Custom will become the crown jewel of your collection!


And don’t forget about achievements! Annihilating enemies with Tavor TS12 Custom will earn you honorable distinctions.


Please note that the weapon specs indicated above are preliminary and can be subject to change per general testing results. 

Speed up your ascension by obtaining the fastest shotgun!

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