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Cool weapons for purchasing Kredits

Categories: General


Do you want to play with cool weapons and get special achievements for combat kills? With our new offer you can!

Just top up your account on a special page with the amount specified in the table below, and the powerful guns will be yours! 

Buy Kredits

The offer will end on May the 26th at 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST).

You purchase

You receive

A pack of 300 Kredits

300 +  SIG MPX SBR Custom for 10 days

A pack of 500 Kredits

500 Gold RPD Custom for 10 days

A pack of 1000 Kredits

1000 Golden McMillan CS5 for 10 days and

permanent Earth Shaker KA-BAR Kukri Machete 

Conditions of the offer

  • The bonus can be received only once when purchasing the fixed packs of 300/500/1000 Kredits from a special page.
  • After paying for a fixed pack, you will receive both Kredits and the weapon(s), specified in the table above.
  • The bonus for each pack of Kredits can be received only once throughout the duration of the offer.
  • For purchasing three specified packs the player can receive three temporary guns and one permanent knife.
  • After your purchase the items will appear in "My Items" section of the website.


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