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K.I.W.I. comes to an end

Categories: Events


Global operation  K.I.W.I. has come to an end. Throughout the past weekend, participants hunted for the last rewards and achievements, completing missions and objectives. It is time to find out what global operation features will remain and what mysteries surround K.I.W.I. organization.

Remaining features

The following global operation sections will remain open through the website profile:

  • Inventory
  • Marketplace
  • Crates
  • Weapon crafting

Please note that these features will not be available immediately but they will be open once the transition to the new webpages is complete. This process may take some time but don’t worry - your progress and your items are safe and sound!

Kredits instead of Battle Points 

From now on all the actions with crates, previously paid for with Battle Points, are available for Kredits on your account. The following currency ratio will be utilized: 1 BP = 2 Kredits.

Operations available for Kredits:

  • purchasing keys for crates
  • opening resource crates
  • upgrading the resource crate tier
  • adding slots for opening resource crates

Weapon crafting

Didn’t get your AK Alpha and Kriss Super V Custom in time? No worries, you’ll still be able to do it even now that K.I.W.I. has ended! Resource crates can still be gained in PvP Quickplay and Ranked Matches, as well as in Special Operations. To make crafting even more accessible, we’ve added 5th tier resource drops to all the crates.

K.I.W.I. secrets

And it’s finally time to unveil the secrets of the mysterious K.I.W.I. organization. The obtained files provided useful information on this shadow group, and its abbreviation in fact stands for Kill Invade Win Incorporated. The group's motto underpins their motivation: War is our business.

In essence, it’s a private military company (read: mercenary corps) that maintains political neutrality from its base in New Zealand. Intel shows the company's close ties with the world’s leading corporations, and K.I.W.I. is the go-to source of power projection in any corner of the globe. The constant supply of missions keeps them supplied with the cutting-edge equipment — the same that was seized by the K.I.W.I. participants.


All the participants will be rewarded for their efforts according to their successes. The achivements that have not been previously given out due to technical reasons will soon find their proud owners. 

The achievements will be allocated to your website inventories, and you'll be available to choose a server for their transfer.

Stay tuned for the upcoming events!

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