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Direct sale: Gold AK-47 and Gold AWM

Categories: Offers


This time we present two classy guns for direct sale: time-proven Gold AK-47 and reliable Gold AWM.

The offer will last til the 1st of October.

Gold AK-47

After 60 years of production  AK-47 remains the most widely used assault rifle in the world, thanks to its low cost, durability and ease of use. First developed in the USSR by Mikhail Kalashnikov, AK-47 is a gas operated 7.62x39mm assault rifle. Find out why it's the world's favorite for yourself. Get a unique stripe for 999 kills with this gun!

Gold AWM

AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a sniper rifle manufactured by Accuracy International. It features a detachable box magazine that holds five rounds. Reliable and solid. Get a unique stripe for 999 kills with this gun!

Win with class!

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