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Increased server rates for the weekend!

Categories: General
Dear players!
Let's have something to celebrate the update! The rewards for Warface Dollars, Arsenal Points, XP and Crowns will be increased by 50% from 15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST) on 07.09.2018 to 08:59 U?? (10:59 CEST) on 10.09.2018.
Please note that this time there are also Crowns on the list, so you can give it a shot and get your hands on a brand new CZ 75 Parrot Pistol available in Crown boxes!


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Direct sale: SIX12 and Earthshaker SIX12
In boxes and in direct sale till September 14th!
07 Sep 2018 offers
Regular, Earth Shaker and Golden ACR CQB in store
Till the 11th of September
07 Sep 2018 offers

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