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Ranked Matches 2.0: Season #0

Categories: General


We are very close to the full release of ranked matches 2.0. During the test season you could already use voice chat but now you also have access to new rewards and achievements! On top of that, the results of the test season led to us simplifying the way to the “middle” leagues – RM are now more accessible than ever. The system of equipment restriction is still under development.

New season

Season Zero has already started and will last till the 2nd of October 20:00 UTC (22:00 CEST). The squads will fight on all maps in “Plant The Bomb” and “Blitz” game modes.

The new season offers:

  • weapon camo series “Amethyst”new!, “Jade Dragon” and “Desert” for reaching top leagues
  • Warface Dollas, Crowns and boosters for proceeding to the next league
  • achievements for reaching a respective league with many new ones among them

We remind you that you can track your progress in your website profile.

Changes to progression and increased rewards

Fighting your way in each league, you need to grasp several victories instead of one. The higher the league, the more determination you will need to showcase. At the same time, if you have been struck down, you will not lose your progress immediately: you will have a chance to retaliate by winning a series of matches. If you don’t make good use of this opportunity and continue scoring low, you will find yourself in the previous league.

Please note that the values have changed since the test season.

League number Victories required to advance to
From 21 to 18 1 victory out of  3
From 17 to 14 2 victories out of 4
From 13 to 10 3 victories out of 5
From 9 to 6 4 victories out of 6
From 5 to 2 5 victories out of 7
1 6 victories out of 8

Traditional prizes for moving between leagues will be significantly increased! The summed up amount of rewards for reaching the 1st league will be increased by 1,5.

Detailed table of rewards                        





Main Rewards

Main Rewards


Warface Dollars


  Warface Dollars Crowns
21-15  750  75 21-20  500  50
      19-18  750  75
      17-16  1 000  100
      15-14  1 250  125
14-10  1 125  113 13-10  1 750  175
9-5  1 500  150 9-6  2 000  200
4 - 2  2 250  225 5-4  3 000  300
      3-2  5 000  500
1  7 500  750 1  10 000  1 000


 32 625  3260


 48 000  4 800

Additional Rewards


Additional Rewards

21-14  15% experience points booster for 24 hours  22-14  15% experience points booster for 24 hours
13-7  15% vendor points booster for 24 hours 13-6  15% Warface Dollars booster for 48 hours
6-1  15% Warface Dollars booster for 24 hours 5-1  15% vendor points booster for 72 hours
Total  for 8 days,  for 6 days,  for 7 days Total  for 9 days, for 16 days, for 15 days

New achievements

New achievements will also appear. All the competition participants that have won at least one match will receive a “Warface Ranking Matches League” mark. The fighters that reached at least 3rd league, will have their hands on a “Best of the best!” badge.

The top contestants that finish the season in the 1st league will earn “Forward to the victory! stripe. Note that now in case of missing a season you will have to wait till the full cycle of 12 seasons is over in order to re-attempt getting this achievement! The full list of 12 achievements for entering the first league can be found in the announcement article.

The previous achievements will remain in the game and will be obtainable the same way as before.

 Full list of achievements per season

Players receive special achievements according to their successes.




New reward camos

Seasonal “Amethyst” camo series will be rewarded to those who reach the 1st league. These camos can be obtained only for participating in the ranked matches taking place during autumn. When winter comes, another camo collection will take Amethyst’s place.

Please note: when opening the reward boxes these camo items do not drop again, if you have already obtained them.

MSBS Radon Sidewinder Venom


Orsis T-5000

M1911A1 Jagdkommando

The previous camos will remain in the game and will be obtainable the same way as before.

 Old Reward Camos

Soldiers skilled enough to get to the gold league will receive various permanent camos.

“Jade Dragon” camos for the 3rd league and higher

One of the camos (chosen randomly)

Reward camo box for the 5th league and higher

One of the camos (chosen randomly)

Compete and succeed!

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