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Direct sale: Anubis MSBS Radon and PP2000

Categories: Offers


May your road lead to warm sands. Do not forget to bring your trusted allies for this journey. Remember that with the sun at the zenith Anubis weapons shine with everlasting power. This time we offer "Anubis" MSBS Radon and PP2000 for direct purchase.

Only till August the 24th directly obtain these African-themed powerhouses and bring ruin to the plans of your foes!

Acquire themed achievements for 15000 kills with the respective weapons.

MSBS Radon 

MSBS Radon is a modular weapon from the Polish Military Technical Academy. MS stands for “Modu?owy Systema" – modular system. The MSBS Radon remains comfortable to control even after long bursts, it's a weapon that's destined to become a staple of every self-respecting Rifleman's gun cabinet.


PP2000 is a Russian submachine gun. It has a high rate of fire and high damage, which makes it extremely well suited for close quarters combat.

Praise Anubis!


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