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New regional server in Texas, USA

Categories: General

Dear players!

We are continually striving to create the best game experience for you. In this regard, we keep looking for the best spots to open regional servers in order to optimize the matchmaking on existing servers and ping for the players that couldn’t enjoy Warface in full capacity due to server-related issues.

Thus, a decision has been taken to re-open a server in Dallas, Texas, the USA. Our hope is that it will ease up the current server issues in that region. We will closely monitor its performance to decide on the next steps for providing equal game experience to all our players worldwide.

How do I choose a regional server?

There’s not much to it! Similar to how you currently select your language and server at this time, you will be also able to select the region. That does not mean any loss or change of progress – all your account data is stored safe and sound on the selected ‘main’ server (EU/NA) you have been using this far – consider the regional server as a point of access.

Are more servers coming in future?

We aim to expand our ‘map’ to cover more regions altogether, and thus enable all players to enjoy Warface alike. New servers are likely to be implemented in future yet the more active communities will be prioritized first.

Another day, another door!

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