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Soon in game: Battle Royale 2.0

Categories: General


Warface is home to a broad variety of game modes, and thinking of original and unorthodox ones, few can compete with Battle Royale. As promised during its initial release, we have been closely following your feedback and working to optimize it to a more enjoyable level.

Battle Royale Improvements

The game mode is being thoroughly improved. Yet first, we want to thank those who have contributed to Absolute Power global objectives – you have made the new Battle Royale possible.

Let's dive into the changes coming to Battle Royale 2.0: Mojave:

  • Things are gonna get even hotter! This is the first mode in the history of the game to feature up to 32 players simultaneously. Never before has Warfare been this dynamic and intense.
  • The “Mojave” map itself received a range of improvements. New items have been added to enhance the atmosphere and spice up the gameplay.
  • Navigation and map-reading will be a lot easier with the minimap and indicator optimizations. The ever-narrowing play zone will now be displayed during the fight, making tactical planning all the more important.
  • Gear acquisition changes: further improvements have been made to balance out everyone's spawn positions and bring everyone to the same level. Initial starting locations will only spawn secondary weapons, with higher value loot appearing closer to the center.
  • Airdrops will follow a new pattern to bring as much competition into their acquisition as possible.
  • No more disappointment, no more empty crates! Each crate you find will now contain loot.
  • New previously unavailable items have been added to the loot table – first aid and armor kits, extra ammo, grenades, consumables. They come in seoarate crates.
  • There is no such thing as too many guns! Loot tables have been adjusted according to this statement!
  • Attachment acquisition has changed: you will now be able to find attachments both on other weapons (as before) and in crates!
  • New achievements for over-achievers! Stripes, badges and marks - welcome to collector’s heaven!

Still, that’s not all you can look forward to. Gameplay changes also include interface optimizations (descriptions, windows and tooltips in the game room), while the results tab and the loading screen have been adjusted to fit 32 players.

See you in game!

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