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February update: now in game

Categories: General


The February update has landed on the servers. A new legendary arsenal weapon, WF$ random boxes, a new rank and new achievements await. But that’s not all! We will soon tell you about how you can get other items this update has to offer.



We present to you a magnificent anti-materiel semiautomatic sniper rifle Gepard GM6 Lynx, designed by a Hungarian company “Sero”. This beast is accompanied by a unique attachment making the gun far more lethal - Schmidt & Bender scope with a fast x 4.6 zoom.

This semiautomatic sniper rifle delivers high damage hits with great accuracy – just like the gun it was inspired by. Those who frequent PVP modes will definitely appreciate Lynx’s potential: devastating a foe with one hit and instantly correcting a mistake if one arises. Gepard GM6 Lynx will be available to all players who have accumulated 1 000 050 arsenal points.

Kill 10 000 and 25 000 enemies from Gepard GM6 Lynx and receive the corresponding achievements.

High Caliber Feline

?heetah's Fang

WF$ Random Boxes with Anatolia RK-102 and SN-5G Sarosk have hit the store! The boxes have replaced the previous renting system for these guns.


Certain weapons have been improved:

  • Anatolia RK-102.  Its damage and the speed of entering the aim mode have been buffed, while the damage loss with distance and bullet spread have been lowered.
  • SN-5G Sarosk. The time of entering the aim mode with this gun has been shortened.  The RPM was increased, which led to the changes with the recoil.
  • WT308. RPM buff.

Soon FN FAL Classic rifle and Q-92 pistol will see the light of the live server. We will tell you how to obtain them in the nearest news.


New Rank

The game now features Rank 90 - General-Field Marshal of the Heralds of Death Squadron, depicting a Samurai. You will need to accumulate 23 046 00 EXP to become a Samurai. Master the Art of War as you seize this new rank!

Noble aristocrats and elite fighters, master tacticians and philosophers – samurai have shaped the Way of the Warrior. The way of honor and loyalty underpinning their refusal to give up when faced against innumerable hardships, pain and death. Samurai’s devotion to his clan and his lord is legendary as is his spirit of self-sacrifice. Which is why the names of the great samurai will be remembered for centuries to come.



The list of national achievements has been expanded – there are 11 new stripes depicting  flags of political entities (unfortunately, not featuring the flag of Uganda)

Also a new badge has been added. Receive the double-headed glorious eagle for killing 1990 enemies with certain models of Russian weapons.

Russian Punisher

Other changes

  • The system of dealing, receiving and registering damage has been readjusted by taking a player’s ping and shooting the moving targets into account.
  • Instead of your win/loss ratio that could be seen by other players – only the total amount of matches you have played in PVP modes will be displayed. “Free For All”, “Battle Royale” and “Bag and Tag” modes will not be counted. This change only affects what other players can see from your statistics. You can check your detailed stats in the “Statistics” tab.

  • Comments 

    The problem of players who leave the matches and compromise their team is that of a high priority. We plan to introduce the fines for such actions but a simple punishment will not solve this problem. It needs a complex solution.

    Now there are three parameters for player evaluation.

    1. Player’s rank that is equal to the total game experience of this person.
    2. Overall quantity of matches in PVE/PVP that shows if the person prefers to fight against live or AI opponents.
    3. Kill/death ratio presenting the skill of the player in PVP.

    The new change will help the players to overcome the fear of being defeated in a match. Please note, that there will be more changes aimed at dealing with the problem of “leavers”.

  • Enemies AI: small changes to the behavior of the riflemen. Now they don’t use pistols when out of ammo for the main weapon. Instead – they try to take cover and reload.
  • PVE: helicopters now have destruction phases. At 60% they are starting to emit smoke and at 20% they become engulfed in flames.
  • Special Operation “White Shark”: you can now use two resurrection coins per checkpoint. You can no longer hide from enemies using a smoke.
  • UI: The last 5 messages are shown when writing in game chat during a match.
  • The New Year celebration is over. The standard map versions are back as are the standard bonuses for daily logins. Festive decorations of the safe house, themed class ammunition and Christmas music theme are now gone.
  • The animation of throwing a smoke grenade was polished to look more natural.
  • The contracts difficulty has been altered. Check the details in the table below.
Description Old New
Kill 60 enemies with sniper rifles 60 50
Kill 10 enemies with a defibrillator 10 12
Perform 15 headshots with handguns 15 20
Perform 5 double headshots 5 6
Kill 20 snipers as an engineer 20 15
Kill 15 enemies with melee weapons 15 20
Kill 20 enemies with handguns 20 25
Perform 15 claymore kills 15 10
Repair 500 armor points for teammates 500 1200
Kill 20 engineers as an engineer 20 12
Revive 10 teammates 10 12
Heal 500 health points for teammates 500 750
Kill 30 enemies with sub-machine guns while sliding 30 25
Kill 5 enemies with melee attacks while sliding 5 6
Kill 20 enemies with grenades 20 15
Kill 30 enemies with headshots with sniper rifles 30 20
Kill 20 engineers as a medic 20 15
Kill 20 riflemen as a rifleman 20 30
Win 4 matches 4 3

Fixed Bugs

  • Now the players cannot see the opponents through smoke screens and flash bang effects.

  • PVP: “Bridges 2.0”: you can no longer occupy the spot that makes you invisible to your opponents.

  • PVP: now you will be able to complete a contract if you play more than one match in one game room.

  • PVE: there are no more visual artifacts linked to game scene lightning on some final screens.

  • PVE: “Asia”: in some cases the bug that prevented the players from entering a helicopter at the end of the missions has been fixed.

  • PVE: now when reaching the checkpoint the players left behind are correctly teleported to the team present on the moving platform.

  • UI: the window of an active contract no longer clashes with the item descriptions.

  • UI: chat tabs no longer switch automatically.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: upon the destruction of Mantis there are no more additional messages about its death.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: Mantis no longer stops firing from the main weapon after the 4th wave.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: during the final encounter the enemies correctly jump on the platform and don’t fly through it.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: APC-3000 no longer stops shooting at players that have left the building.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: the markers indicating the climbing spots have been corrected.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: sky flickers no more.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: you can no longer get stuck in certain places.

  • Special Operation “Pripyat”: checkpoint direction tips were not appearing past the cleared areas.

  • RMG Custom: the animation of pushing the objects with the equipped gun has been fixed.

  • ZX84 A5 Custom: now at the distance specified in the gun’s stats – you can kill an enemy with a headshot regardless of what gear this enemy wears.

  • PVE/PVP: a bug preventing the players from joining the matches has been fixed.
  • “Canon in D Major” achievement (destroy a tower during the Zenith mission 100 times) has returned to the achievement screen and is now unlocked correctly.
  • “Columbus Day” achievement now incorporates the kills made from ACR’s golden version.

  • Localization: the description of certain achievements has been fixed.

  • Garota, CCR Honey Badger, AR-GAR, GU7, Miller AP6: in-built, unique silencer now work correctly in PVE modes.

  • Winter versions of SMG scopes now work the same way as the main (standard) versions of these scopes.

  • RST 14: bayonet damage was not inflicted fast enough.

  • M217: bolt mechanism animation between shots has been fixed.

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