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Warface December Fast Cup results

Categories: ESports


Warface Fast Cup: December stormed in and swept many off their feet. But who remained after this furious storm?

Axis and Astros.  These excellent teams scored 3rd and 4th places respectively. Their prizes are: 20000 Kredits per team, a special Tournament set for a single class for 30 days and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons. Good work, guys!

Meanwhile RG reached second place. 25000 Kredits to the team, a special Tournament set for a single class for 90 days and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons have found their owners. Hooray!

But it was Exception  that stood above the storm. Unbending will to succeed has granted them 30000 Kredits to the team, a permanent Tournament set for one class and Avalanche camo skins for all weapons!  Admiration and awe of spectators are the bonus perks.

The prizes will find their way into the accounts of the winners in a matter of days.

Yet we should also pay attention the teams occupying the 5th to the 16th places. Here they are:

Team names



10000 Kredits per team + Tournament set for a single class for 20 days

Despacito, TeamSync, MindFragment, Never_surrender, Fatalis, East, MenOfMayhem, Roza

5000 Kredits per team  + Tournament set for a single class for 10 days

If your team didn’t reach the top – don’t get disheartened. A lot of tournaments are on the way!

We wholeheartedly thank all the Fast Cup participants and invite them to our next competitions.

Best of luck!

We would also like to highlight WFTV for compiling Warface tournaments statistics. These include Warface Open Cup: Warface Masters League, Challenge Cup I-IV and more!

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