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Atlas of War – Achievements

Categories: General

Gear is invaluable when it comes to battle – superior equipment is often one of the deciding factors. Yet there’s always more to it. Hardly anything compares to the feeling of distinguished success, and rare achievements are often just as rewarding as a rare gun!


All Atlas of War achievements will be available to those who have completed the prerequisites, upon the completion of the event. Let’s go over them!


You are able to these marks for levelling up in the Atlas of War, there’s a total of four of them, awarded for the 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th levels respectively.


Each region awards a stripe for the completion of all its missions, both PvP and PvE ones.


Each soldier belongs to their original squad, and once unlocked, the said squad awards custom badges. There’s nine of them in total – one for each squad.

Gladiator Cobra Predator
Atom Iceberg Flash
Alpha Harpy Banzai


12 custom stripes for combat kills with each Atlas of War gun! In order to get one you need to land a total of 15000 killing blows with the particular gun.

As a reminder, you can find all these achievements on the main Atlas of War page, under ‘Progress’. The global operation ends on the 30th of September.

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