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April Fast Cup rewards

Categories: ESports

Dear players!

We hope you are as excited for the April Fast Cup as we are, and if you aren’t in the loop yet -- you can check it out here.

The registration stage is still on as we want to allow as many people to participate as possible, after all this is an opening event! But at this time we’re back to announce the rewards.

So without any further ado, let’s get to it!

  • 1st place team will receive 10000 Kredits, single permanent Tournament set (class of choice) and permanent Hexagon weapon skins
  • 2nd place team will receive 5000 Kredits, single class Tournament pack for 90 days, Hexagon weapon skins for 90 days
  • 3rd-4th place teams will receive 3000 Kredits, single class Tournament pack for 30 days, Hexagon weapon skins for 30 days

If there are as many as 64 teams this time around we will make it top 5 to 8 teams eligible for the rewards instead:

  • 5th-8th place teams will receive 2000 Kredits, single class Tournament pack for 7 days, Hexagon weapon skins for 7 days

Please note that the prizes will be awarded to each member of the team per team's roster at the time of the competition; in other words, only the players that have been registered to the team during the registration stage, and have competed in the tournament are eligible for the rewards.

Good luck in the tournament!

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April Fast Cup – Official FAQ Thread
Check here first with any questions about the competitive scene in general.
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