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First Buy Special Offer!

Categories: General

Dear players!

Considering a gear upgrade for the new special op, 'Icebreaker'? Don't miss out on this offer and get more goods the same price!

From now on you can get an additional gift: upon your first purchase of the 380 Kredit bundle you will also receive a superb weapon set!

How to get it?

1. Make a 380 Kredit bundle purchase on the website.

2. Log in-game to find your Kredits and a gift weapon set already added to your account!

Bear in mind that you can receive this gift only once throughout this promotion.

The full Kredits + weapon set consists of:

AY 551 (permanent)
380 Kredits

U.S. Set Skin (permanent)
R1911D1 (permanent)
VIP Booster (30 Days)

Wilderness Skin for R1911D1 (permanent)
Ultra Marine (permanent)
Ultra Marine Skin (permanent)

This weapon set will prove useful to beginners and skillful combatants alike. The VIP booster enhances your progress in the game: not only will you be able to accumulate Warface Dollars, XP and Arsenal points faster, allowing you to unlock your favourite weapons and level up sooner; these catchy guns will steal envious sideglances from your teammates.

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