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Game Update - 20.04.2023

Categories: Patch Notes


A hotfix has been installed on the game servers. In it, we've changed contracts for parts, tweaked the "Challenge" event, and fixed some critical bugs from the previous versions.

Previous Version

Content Changes

Contracts for parts

We've analysed your feedback, looked at the task completion statistic, and decided to merge the existing contracts into one while maintaining the amount of simultaneous tasks and their availability in PvE (previously, only one of the contracts could be completed in PvE), as well as make the tasks themselves easier. Here's a breakdown:

  • The tasks have changed:
    • now, the list of available stages is always the same;
    • the progress of all tasks is counted simultaneously, and you can redo it later after it's already been done;
    • there are no more gameplay related tasks (eliminations in sliding, jumping, with grenades or melee weapons, or such);
    • now, the tasks are related to regular play, meaning whatever you do during the match (dealing damage, eliminating enemies, completing sessions).
  • The overall amount of parts you get for completing the entire contract is 400: 50 parts for each task and 250 for completing them all.
  • The amount of quests for full completion has been reduced — previously, you needed to complete an average of 8 tasks, now there are only 3.

Click on the image to see the list of tasks and rewards.


  • "Challenge" event:
    • the time to connect to a started match in Team Gun Game has been reduced to 3 minutes (used to be 7);
    • the cards for weapons that have already been collected no longer show up in the showcase.
  • Log-in streak:
    • The log-in streak rewards have been updated. Now you will get resurrection coins, Crowns, an H&K MG5 121 box and a VIP-Booster for logging in daily.

Bug Fixes


  • Smoke grenade (Virtue skin): fixed a bug, due to which the player could see flickering visual artefacts during the game after using the grenade.
  • Fixed a bug, due to which it was impossible to start the voting to kick a player out.
  • Heist SO: fixed a bug, due to which the effects of shots, plasma cutter, and other gameplay elements could be displayed incorrectly and cause visual artefacts.

Weapons and gear

  • Execrated H&K G36 Assault: fixed a bug, due to which the weapon would not be displayed in the 3rd person view when using a hybrid sight, the shooting sounds would also disappear.


  • Fixed a bug, due to which some weapon charms had issues with visual effects.

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