Soon in Game: Mission "Rift: Infiltration"
Do you enjoy nice PvE missions? Then, we have some good news for you — a new PvE mission will very soon appear in the game!
The toughest fighters will have to infiltrate a top-security base: an Oberon cloning and SED manufacturing facility. The soldiers will have to sneak into the territory and advance towards the sedrium storage.
The Story
Base Entry
The squad disguised as a Blackwood team arrives at the base, where actual Blackwood forces are already actively conducting military operations. You will have to avoid attracting attention as you advance through the base and reach the first goal — the sedrium storage. But first you will have to pass the Warface outpost.
Do not let the enemy raise the alarm. At this stage, your actions must be careful and well-coordinated, use silencers and eliminate opponents together. If you successfully complete the sneaking part, you will get an enemy radio. With it, you will access more information and the help from the commando, and your further movements will be easier as you will face significantly fewer foes.
Delta Outpost
After that, you will have to clear out the woods and the Delta Outpost with elite Warface fighters holding back Blackwood's offensive. You will have to defeat an upgraded SED to move forward.
Destroying the Sedrium Storage
Outpost cleared? Now on to destroying the largest sedrium storage since the Mars mission. Your objective is to get to the targeting station out on the bridge and hack it. But be careful: Blackwood and Warface are fighting heavily overhead, you must survive it and push through onto the bridge. The targeting station is up there. Connect to it and make a couple of corrections to the aiming coordinates.
The enemy engages heavy machinery — destroy it! Install explosives on Blackwood and Warface vehicles. You will need to cooperate — one deals with the explosives, the others watch their back.

They will never find out what happened that day… You did well, but do not get too comfortable. There is still work to do.