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Categories: Events


Warface, Blackwood and Unknown are recruiting new members. To do this, they have launched a competition code-named "League of the Best". Complete tasks to support your favorite team on our official social media networks for three weeks and get cool prizes in exchange. Who will you support?

Choose Your Side

About the competition

Every day at 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST) special tasks will appear on the promo page, that will bring your team a fixed number of points. The number of points that each team acquired will also be updated during this time, keep track of the points to always stay three steps ahead of your competitors. All tasks are connected to Warface's social networks, for example: like posts, subscribe to the channel, get a role, disarm a bomb and many other similar tasks.

What about the prizes?

Those who are tough enough to participate in the event will receive awesome gifts. The prizes range from temporary guns from the "Zone" series and permanent weapons from the "Shiny Metal" series to a permanent golden AS50 and a unique "Do Not Enter" stripe, which no player has ever had, yet! Please note: all players will be able to receive the gifts regardless of the team they choose to support.

Rewards will open up gradually and depend solely on how well you do in the competition. To unlock the reward phase, Warface, Blackwood, and Unknown allies must work together to reach the required number of points indicated on the card below. As soon as this goal is reached, you will receive your well-deserved gifts!

And that’s not all! At the end of each week, we will briefly summarize the results of the competition thus far, and at the end of the event the winning team will give out small gifts to all the event participants.

Choose Your Side

Who will come out on top of this competition? It's all up to you!

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