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Warface FAQ #30

Categories: General


Warface FAQ #30 is here - it's time to get the answers to the most burning questions. Don’t forget to check out our previous articles:

  • How the contracts are going to work? Will there be contracts for Kredits? How often will they update?
From the technical POV, contracts support any currency, so it’s possible that some contracts will be added for Kredits. However, right now we cannot give you exact information of which contracts to expect, as we consider them as a great tool to create events in the game. So far, we don’t plan to update them systematically. Instead, they will be renewed on an event basis.
  • Will you prolong the "Hidden War" Battle Pass? It's only 40 days.
Yes, there will be 2 additional weeks that will become available in the future.
  • There are still freezes when someone joins or leaves the room.
The developers are aware of them, they are working hard to mitigate them ASAP.
  • I have an issue with receiving rewards for a completed contract. What do I do?
There is an issue with receiving a reward for completing a contract with an ex-NA account. In case you have two profiles, the reward gets sent to the ex-EU character, no matter which one you used to complete this contract.
After the issue is fixed, all affected accounts will get their rewards transferred back to the proper character. Thank you for understanding.
  • Can you add more free content and in-game events?
We plan events with good rewards in the future, please stay posted!
  • Can we get Battle Royal back in PvP?
We don’t plan to bring it back in the near future, as this game mode wasn’t really popular in QP.
  • What do I do if the Game Center shows me “Istanbul” as the only option, even though I have a better ping to Amsterdam?
Please open the GC setting, then “System” and click on the “Delete temporary files of the application” button. The Game Center should restart with a correct server selection.
  • Can you add a special sound when we kill someone with a headshot?
Nice idea, it’ll get forwarded!

That’s it for today! Join our Social Media and don’t forget to leave your feedback:

See you in game!

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