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[UPD] "Summer Games" operation already live!

Categories: Events


The hottest summer days are yet to come and you will have time to enjoy them to the full! Meanwhile, take part in the themed operation "Summer Games" on the website and have fun. Familiar mechanics, tons of rewards and exciting tasks are already waiting for you on a special page. Well, shall we play?

Take Part

About the Event

"Summer Games" is a free seasonal operation based on the past global operations and events on the website (for example, "Dark Samurai" and Winter Operation). We have preserved the mechanics of the previous activities, but have completely overhauled the rewards. Let us recall the main features of the operation.

UPD: The event will be prolonged till 20:59 utc on september 7
  • The player chooses and buys crates with permanent or temporary prizes for a special currency.
  • There are two ways to earn currency: by completing tasks or by simply playing with a certain result.
  • The list of tasks is updated once a day.
  • Once a day, the player gets a "Challenge of the Day", by completing which he or she can earn additional currency.
  • There is still a "Crate for victories" - it does not require currency, but to open it, you must fulfill the condition.

We recommend that you check out the full F.A.Q. of the operation. It contains answers to all frequently asked questions and describes in detail the mechanics of the activity.

It is also worth noting that rewards cannot be sold on the Marketplace. In addition, participation in the operation will not open access to the Marketplace if you did not have it before.


The crates contain novelties introduced in the latest updates: the "Pharaoh" and the "Highwayman" series. Don't miss your chance - add themed models to your collection!

By dealing killing blows with these weapons, you can earn tons of spoils of war.

In addition, in the event you can get arms from the series "Vibrant", "Onyx", "Hexagon", "Fiesta", "Carnival", "World Tournament", as well as cards for crafting guns from the "Lucky Rabbit" series. A complete list of rewards is available in the crate descriptions on the operation page.

Currency Gain

There are two types of currencies - the base and the premium ones. Just play to earn each one. And if you want to get even more currency or need to speed up your progress, take a look at the special bundles with premium currency. Read on to learn more.

Conditions for obtaining the base currency
Mode Base currency gain
PvE "Training" missions No
PvE missions on "Easy" and on higher difficulty levels No
Any Special Operations Only if you win
PvP private (custom) rooms No
Ranked Matches Yes if: time in the match is greater than or equal to 3 minutes, at least 2 kills made.
PvP in "Quick Play" in "Storm", "Team Deathmatch", "Destruction" and "Domination" Yes, if you kill at least 5 enemies or more.
PvP in "Quick Play" in "Plant the Bomb", "Capture" and "Blitz" Yes if: time in the match is greater than or equal to 3 minutes, at least 2 kills made.
"Free for All", "Bag and Tag" Yes, if you kill at least 10 enemies or more.
  • By completing daily tasks, you get cards for crafting, as well as various additional rewards.
  • You will receive 1 unit of premium currency for each correctly completed match.
  • If you decide to purchase a premium currency bundle, you can do that on the operation page.

Have a nice game!

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