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Dark Samurai: Pre-order and Battle Pass Details

Categories: General
The "Gorgon" global operation is coming to an end; at the same time, we are providing more information about the "Dark Samurai" Battle Pass. In this article, we will tell you about additional bonuses that you can get for the Battle Pass pre-order, the way the progress registration system will work, what tasks are waiting for you, and other distinctive features of the new global operation. Read on to learn the details!

Pre-Order Bonuses

After the first article about the upcoming Battle Pass, we have been carefully studying your reactions and feedback. You often ask if there will be pre-order gifts. Yep! We have prepared a whole set of items that awaits anyone who orders and pays for any full access type (Basic or Premium) to the "Dark Samurai" Battle Pass after the pre-order becomes available and till 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on July 12. Bonuses include a set of melee weapons and a permanent skin pack as well as a large supply of smoke grenades for any taste. 

GROM Rifleman

GROM Medic

GROM Engineer

M48 Bowie Knife "Onyx"

Jagdkommando "Atlas"

Black Hawk "Absolute"

Smoke grenade "Morion"
500 units

Smoke grenade "Atlas"
500 units

Smoke grenade "Absolute"
500 units

Get Access

The bonuses will be delivered to the Inventory on the Services page within a few days after the pre-order ends. Please note that the items received will not be available for sale on the Marketplace, but they can be transferred to any of your characters.

Progress Registration System

We continue to improve the system of progress registration in Battle Passes. "Dark Samurai" will include only the best functions! The registration time has been optimized - under normal loads, the system does not fail, quickly processes data and does not cause delays for all event participants (including "leavers"). Even with increased load, we expect that the registration time will be comfortable, and will not increase significantly and, as before, will remain within 5-10 minutes. We go on fine-tuning the system, while our specialists carefully monitor changes and respond to them promptly.

In addition, the previously introduced system of checking users leaving matches early will continue operating. It has also been improved. In “Gorgon”, the processing time for “leavers” has already returned to normal and will continue to remain the same. However, we would like to point out that the systematic leaving of battles can still result in freezing of progress registration or its complete loss.


Participation in the Battle Pass is directly related to combat where you have to complete tasks and earn currencies. It is very important for the gameplay to be comfortable and not cause inconvenience. Our goal is to fix problems that prevent the correct operation of the improved synchronization system at TickRate 60. During the investigation of the problem, the TickRate value was temporarily returned to 30 Hz, and our specialists continue their work on improving the speed of data exchange between the client and the server.

Learn Details

Battle Pass Tasks

As we have already mentioned, the task system in the new Battle Pass will be similar to the one in “Gorgon” and conserve the existing important principles: easy completion, the ability to earn extra rewards and get more currency by doing the challenge of the day.

The main difference will be the variety of tasks. You can already familiarize yourself with the full list of quests that await you. The mechanic will change slightly: the player will get one mission a day from the Challenge of the Day list, while daily tasks will now cyclically change to one of the three available task blocks. 

Challenge of the Day
  • Perform a "Skull Hunter" in any PvP mode
  • Perform a "Slide Headshot" in any PvP mode
  • Deal 30 000 damage with assault rifles in any PvP mode
  • Deal 30 000 damage with SMGs in any PvP mode
  • Deal 30 000 damage with shotguns in any PvP mode
  • Deal 30 000 damage with sniper rifles in any PvP mode 
  • Kill at least 450 enemies successfully completing Special Operations on "Normal" or higher difficulty
  • Perform three "Triple Kills" in any PvP mode
  • Perform a "Slide Double Kill" in any PvP mode
  • Perform 25 explosive kills in any PvP mode
  • Twice place 1st in the winning team playing in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Capture", "Blitz")
  • Collect 65 dog tags in the Bag and Tag mode
  • Perform 30 "Attacker Kills" or "Defender Kills"
  • Perform 200 headshot kills successfully completing Special Operations on "Normal" or higher difficulty
  • Perform 12 "Skull Hunters" successfully completing PvE-missions on "Hard"
  • Heal teammates for a total of 4000 HP playing in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Capture", "Blitz")
  • Perform three "Head Crashers" in any PvP mode
  • Get 6 wins playing in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Capture", "Blitz")
  • Get 6 wins playing in "Destruction", "Storm", "Domination" or "Team Deathmatch"
  • Heal teammates for a total of 4000 HP during one single match completing Special Operations on "Normal"
  • Deal 8500 damage during one single match in any PvP mode
  • Perform 25 headshots dusring one singe match in any PvP mode
  • Kill 10 enemies with claymores in any PvP mode
  • Twice rank top 5 in "Free for All"
  • Deal 25 000 damage with golden weapons in any PvP mode
  • Perform three "Double Kills" playing in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Capture", "Blitz")
  • Perform 5 headshot kills with a pistol in any PvP mode
  • Perform 50 kills with a machine gun in any PvP mode 
Daily Tasks
  • Block #1
    • Get 1 win in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Blitz", "Capture")
    • Get 1 win in "Domination", "Destruction", "Storm", or "Team Deathmatch"
    • Successfully complete any Special Operation on any difficulty
    • Successfully complete 2 PvE-missions on "Hard"
    • Kill 100 enemies in PvP
    • Perform 10 "Slide Kills" in any PvP mode
    • Perform 25 headshot kills in any PvP mode
    • Deal 7 000 damage  in "Free for All"
    • Collect 30 dog tags in the Bag and Tag mode
    • Kill 3 enemies with claymores in any PvP mode
    • Perform a "Head Crasher" in any PvP mode
    • Kill 100 enemies with golden weapons in any PvE missions (except "Training") or Special Operations
  • Block #2
    • Get 1 win in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Blitz", "Capture")
    • Get 1 win in "Domination", "Destruction", "Storm", or "Team Deathmatch"
    • Successfully complete any Special Operation on any difficulty 
    • Deal 7 000 damage playing in "Free for All" or "Bag and Tag"
    • Perform 25 headshot kills in "Storm", "Team Deathmatch" or "Destruction"
    • Kill 25 Riflemen in any PvP mode
    • Kill 25 Medics in any PvP mode
    • Perform 10 "Defender Kills"
      Perform 5 "Jump Kills" in any PvP mode
    • Perform a "Perforating Wound" in PvE missions on "Normal" or higher difficulty level
    • Perform a "Combo-Kill" in any PvE missions (except "Training") or Special Operations
    • Kill 100 enemies in PvP
  • Block #3
    • Get 1 win in tactical modes ("Plant the Bomb", "Blitz", "Capture")
    • Get 1 win in "Domination", "Destruction", "Storm", or "Team Deathmatch"
    • Successfully complete any Special Operation on any difficulty 
    • Deal 7 000 damage playing in "Free for All" or "Bag and Tag"
    • Perform 10 "Attacker Kills"
    • Kill 25 Snipers in any PvP mode
    • Kill 25 Engineers in any PvP mode
    • Perform a "Butcher Kill" in PvE missions on "Normal" or higher difficulty level
    • Perform 3 kills with a pistol in any PvP mode
    • Perform 50 headshot kills in PvP 
    • Perform 3 "Brainsmashers" in any PvE missions (except "Training") or Special Operations
    • Kill 100 enemies with golden weapons in any PvP mode

Battle Pass Rewards

The new Battle Pass "Dark Samurai" will appeal to those who like to earn unique and interesting rewards thanks to their skills and combat embraced.

By participating in the global operation, you will accumulate currencies and spend them on opening crates with cool loot. They include powerful weapon models that will make the most sweaty battles a walk in the park!

Rise and move on, because the new challenges will surely come!

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Gifts for topping up
Random Boxes with LWRC SMG-45 await! The offer will be active till 20:59 UTC (22:59 CEST) on the 14th of July.
10 Jul 2020 general
Gorgon Battle Pass Ends Soon
"Gorgon" Battle Pass will end on the 17th of July! 
10 Jul 2020 general

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