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LWRC SMG-45 and more in store [UPD]

Categories: Offers

UPD: On 24.03 Typhoon F12, CDX-MC Kraken and F90 MBR Kredit Random Boxes have been added to the store.


The following line-up will be available in store till around 9:00 UTC (10:00 CET) on the 25th of March:
  • Kredit Random Boxes: LWRC SMG-45, Tavor TS12 Custom, FN FAL DSA-58, McMillan CS5, Enfield L85A2 Custom, Magpul FMG-9, SIX12

Special Highlight: LWRC SMG-45

In terms of combat specs, LWRC SMG-45 is a hulkier version of the UMP. It can dish out extremely high damage and is capable of killing with a single shot to the head. To offset this strength, we’ve given it a lower rate of fire, harsher recoil and restricted its effective range. 

Get ready for a taste of freedom!

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