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Ghosts bring Terror to store

Categories: Offers

When all else fails but the flames of conflict need to be extinguished – they are called on. Elite troopers, dwelling in the shadows of war and peace. Invisible to the world, they quietly and accurately do what needs to be done. They do not falter, they do not fall back but most importantly… they leave no trace behind.

They are GHOSTS!

And this time they bring the true terror to the store...

The following line-up will be available in store till around 9:00 UTC (10:00 CET) on the 3rd of February:
  • Direct Sale of "Deimos" versions (Kredits): HArms CQR, Uzkon UNG-12, LWRC SMG-45, H&K G28, CZ 75 Czechmate Parrot
  • "Ghost Squad" body camo for Rifleman, Medic, Engineer and Sniper
  • Nanosuit body camo for Rifleman, Medic, Engineer and Sniper
  • Female Nanosuit body camo for Rifleman, Medic, Engineer and Sniper

The following line-up will stay in store even after the departure of "Ghosts":

  • Earth Shaker Weapons Kredit Random Box

Special Highlight: "Deimos" HArms CQR

"Deimos" guns are named after one of the natural satellites of Mars. By the way, the Greek God of Terror, the son of Ares, had the same name! Those wielding these amazing weapons will be able to earn particular achievements: deal over 9000 damage and receive the "Deimos Demolition" badge; kill over 1000 enemies to obtain the "Deimos Eliminator" badge; earn any 4 of Deimos elimination achievements to be awarded with the "Deimos Collector" badge.

Time to believe in things you don’t see…


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