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Blackwood Battle Pass: increased XP gain and other changes

Categories: General

We would like to tell you about some changes in the Blackwood Battle Pass related to personal XP gain as well as crate and key drop rates.

Now even more XP

From the 24th of January till the 3rd of February the personal progress XP gain in the Battle Pass Blackwood will be increased by 50%. See the conditions of XP gain in the following table.

Conditions of XP gain
Mode XP gain
PvE "Training" No
PvE on "Easy" and higher Only if you win
Special Operation on any difficulty Only if you win
PvP Private (custom) Rooms No
Ranked Matches Yes, if time in the match is greater than or equal to 3 minutes, at least 2 kills made.
PvP in "Quick Play" in "Storm", "Team Deathmatch", "Destruction" and "Domination" Yes, if you kill at least 10 enemies 
PvP in "Quick Play" in "Plant the Bomb", "Capture" and " Blitz" Yes, if you kill at least 2 enemies 
Modes "Free for All", "Bag and Tag" Yes, if you kill at least 15 enemies 

Hurry up to boost your personal level in Blackwood Battle Pass and earn valuable rewards! Learn more about personal progress and rewards in a separate article.

Crate and key drop rates

Is your inventory full of crates? It is high time to open them especially taking into account that the key drop rate has been significantly increased while the crate drop rate has been reduced. The modifications will be implemented on a permanent basis.

Bear in mind that among the prizes you can find are temporary and permanent items including unique objects from the previous Battle Passes, weapons, camo and much more. Each opened crate will yield an item from the list.

Do you want to learn more about the Blackwood Battle Pass? Read the dedicated articles on our website.


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