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Content Creator Program

Categories: General


Warface community has a lot of talents, especially in video content creating! If you’re one of them – sign up to W.O.N. (Warface Operative Network) and join the like-minded creative crew of gifted video makers!


  • Get support to grow your channel (including in-game rewards, free Battle Pass accesses, featuring on our official Social Media and giveaway codes for reaching certain milestones).
  • Get more content to showcase (temporary weapons or other items to try out and share the experience with the audience).
  • Connect with Warface staff by getting access to the special channel on Discord.
  • Get a special role on our Discord server.
  • Get the in-game achievements upon reaching certain number of followers/subscribers on your channel.

Who can apply?

  • Streamers and video publishers, that create weekly high quality content for the PC version of Warface.
  • An applicant should have at least 500 followers or subscribers.
  • An applicant’s channel should not violate the platform's Terms of Service.
  • An applicant should be a positive member of Warface Community and should not violate Warface Terms of Service or promote the violations of it.
  • An applicant should be able to speak English and have a Discord account in order to communicate with Warface Team.

How to sign up?

Please fill in the following application form. Please make sure you put your correct Discord tag (e.g. Name#0000) and that your privacy setting allows for Direct Messages from the members of the official Warface Server. Also make sure that you have connected your channel to the Discord account in its settings and made it visible.

Apply now


  • Creators are expected to follow EULA and the Terms of Use, while playing and/or creating the content for Warface.
  • Creators are expected to follow the community rules on all Warface platforms, including Social Media and Forums.
  • Violating the Code of Conduct and/or Terms of Service may result in the creators' removal from the Content Creator Program.
  • Creator’s content must be compliant with the platform's Terms of Service (i.e. Twitch, YouTube, Mixer, Facebook, etc.).
  • Creators are free to voice their opinions in their content but not in a toxic manner. They are free to voice a negative opinion about the game if it is done in a respectful and logical manner. Rants, overly toxic behavior and/or being negative for the sake of being negative may result in disciplinary actions that may include removal from the program.

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