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Soon: Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven

Categories: General


Very soon the current Cobalt Kinetics weapon line-up will be extended with a Sniper rifle Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven that will be highly efficient even with a silencer.

Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven

The arm developed by the American company Cobalt Kinetics is a modern approach to the traditional semi-automatic rifle. The model is based on the AR-15 platform employing cutting-edge light and tough materials.

The Sniper rifle sports a uniquely designed receiver and stock contributing to the weapon’s versatility in various situations and delivering maximum comfort for the gunner since the weapon can be adapted to individual anatomical features.

Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven is a modern high-precision model capable of taking different configurations and adapting to the evolving combat environment.

Weapon in game

Cobalt Kinetics Twenty-Seven is a Sniper rifle offering fast zoom and an extremely competitive hip accuracy among other semi-automatic rifles.

Moreover, the weapon comes equipped with a set of 6 tactical accessories, which help to achieve excellent results at any distance even with a mounted silencer.


By killing enemies with this weapon you will be able to get memorable distinctions.

Please note that the specs indicated are preliminary and can be subject to changes per general testing results.

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