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Crazy shop update

Categories: Offers


Welcome to the crazy shop update where Engineer's supernova SIG MPX SBR Custom in Random Kredit and Crown Boxes shares the spotlight with the direct sale of "Yakuza" sniper primaries: M14 Crazy Horse and  Remington MSR.

The power eclipse will pass on the 30th of April.


SIG MPX SBR Custom is a submachine gun with high damage and good firing range, as well as low recoil. Its main feature is firing bursts with a cut-off of four rounds. One burst to the body or limbs is enough to get rid of the enemy, and at close quarters it will be enough to launch one shot in the head! Compatible modules for SIG MPX SBR Custom are a barrel and a sight.

Raise your banner! And let SIG MPX take care of the rest.


"Yakuza" M14 Crazy Horse

M14 Crazy Horse sports one of the highest damage values for all semi-automatic snipers in the game. That makes it incredibly potent when facing multiple enemies, as it allows you to land consecutive shots on the same, or choose a different target entirely right away. The effective range is superb and its accuracy is undisputed. Design improvements have drastically reduced its recoil, making it also easier to operate.

"Yakuza" Remington MSR

Remington MSR is the undisputed champion of long-range shootouts with one-shot capability. Definitely a solid pick for PvP, isn’t it? The rifle also comes with several available attachments, two of them are unique: a 4x Bushnell Fastzoom scope and a Remington suppressor that increases minimal damage through stabilization.

Plague the nightmares of your enemies!

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