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Server update: Singapore and possible merge

Categories: General

Dear players!

Recently we have carried out an opinion survey to find out your feedback on whether we should merge our two global servers: EU and NA.

Now we would like to announce its results and clear up some aspects. 48% of all survey participants have voted in favor of the merge, 27% - against and 25% hesitated to answer. Those who play on EU, NA and both servers have majorly supported the idea.

Out of the expressed concerns the most prominent ones are related to regional servers and ping. After receiving your feedback our team has proceeded with analyzing the possibility of the merge and its impact. Rest assured that in case of a merge we will take all necessary precautions to keep your items and progress safe. Please note that we have not yet made a final decision on the matter.

In the meantime, we have taken the first step forwards the server union. After careful consideration of your feedback and server loads, we have relocated our South Korean server to Singapore for players in the region to have less issues with performance and matchmaking.

We would like to thank all of you who have completed the survey. It is thanks to your feedback that we can develop the game in the direction best suited for our player base.


Sincerely yours,

Warface Team

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