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Syndicate: Game Missions

Categories: General


It’s time to learn more about Syndicate, the new Battle Pass coming very soon! Today we’ll talk about one of its core systems: the game missions.


Mission System

Game missions will now be grouped together in series, with each series renewed weekly and featuring up 10 missions. The series will be viewed and unlocked separately; potential rewards will also be displayed.

The system of weekly mission renewal with automatic progress track

You don’t have to click your progress through the missions: if a series is active, its missions will be enabled as well. This will help avoid those cases when you forget to enable a mission and complete its requirements, all for naught.

Missions still retain their difficulty levels: some are easily accessible even to newer players, while others may require substantial efforts. In general, missions can be split into two categories: single and replayable.

As the name suggests, replayable missions can be played several times until you reach the required quota on completion, while single missions require you to finish the task within one game session. If you fail to complete a mission within the game session, you’ll have to try again.

Daily tasks

Separate from the weekly series, you will be able to complete brief daily tasks.

These are assigned randomly during your first login to the event page within the previous 24 hours. Their progress begins to be tracked and updated from the moment they’re assigned as of your first daily login to the webpage. You can only receive these tasks if you visit the page daily, otherwise they won’t be active for you at all!

You can have up to 3 active daily tasks a day, and you can’t receive more daily tasks if you have 3 of them active.

Completing missions instantly

If for any reason you can’t do your weekly missions but want to have them completed, in order to get rewards, don't worry! You can instantly have them completed for Battle Points. This option is unavailable for daily tasks.

The cost of such completion depends on the mission difficulty.

Rewards for completion

Complete mission series and daily tasks to upgrade your personal account progress within Battle Pass. Each weekly series completed grants a special bonus (the first valuable reward), and for several weeks of completion in a row - permanent armor set pieces (second valuable reward)!

If you’re longing to get your hands on that high-class Syndicate gear, you need to maintain and finish your weekly series fully! The more weekly series you finish, the more set pieces you will collect. If you manage to complete all mission series without a single missed week, you are guaranteed to receive a full set!

And the "tastiest" reward is saved for dessert! For the full completion of 12 weekly mission series the players will receive a guaranteed bonus: unparalleled assault rifle "Syndicate" Beretta ARX160. This supremacy incarnate will be totally worth all your efforts.

Guaranteed PERMANENT "SYNDICATE" Beretta ARX160 for mission completion

Please note that PvP missions are counted only in Ranked games and Quickplay. Completing missions in custom rooms does not count.

"Syndicate" is upon us! Pre-order the accees for this Battle Pass to be among the first owners of unique powerful rewards. 


The true face of war will be unleashed!

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