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Ranked Matches 2.0: Season 2. “Atlas of War”

Categories: General


Today marks the start of the second season of ranked matches 2.0 named “Atlas of War”. Don’t miss this chance to obtain rare rewards!

New Season

The new season has already begun. It will finish on the 27th of November at 20:00 UTC (21:00 CET). The squads will battle on all maps of “Plant the bomb” and “Blitz” game modes. This season the participants can look forward to:
  • "Amethyst" and "Jade Dragon" weapon camo, as well as a box with random skins for reaching high leagues
  • Warface Dollars, Crowns and boosters for moving to the next league
  • Achievements for reaching the corresponding league as well as the “Soldier of Fortune” stripe for the first league
  • General changes of ranked matches
  • The start of “Atlas of War” season
We remind you that you can track your progress in “My Profile” on the website.

General changes of ranked matches

Please note that a series of changes compared to the first season took place:

  • The league progress from the 4th league to the 1st one is now slightly more difficult
  • The reward for reaching the leagues from the 3rd to the 1st is increased
  • Original Elite weapons (except for the semi-automatic sniper rifle AS50) are now allowed

These changes will also be applied in the future RM seasons.

The start of “Atlas of War” season

For the successes in the “Atlas of War” season you will be able to receive additional rewards!

  • Permanent “Atlas” Tactical Axe for reaching the first league
  • Temporary “Atlas” weapons (Tactical Axe, Jagdkommando knife, CZ 75-Auto and M1911A1 pistols) as well as “Atlas” equipment for reaching the leagues from the 21st to 11th.

Also, when reaching certain leagues you will get special offers for acquiring “Atlas of War” items with the discount. The better you play – the higher discount for the following items you will get:

  • Camos for secondary and melee “Atlas” weapons
  • “Atlas” equipment and body skins
  • “Atlas” body skins set with a heavy discount for reaching the first league – a unique offer for the best of the best!

Permanent "Atlas" Tactical Axe

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"Atlas" body camo for Rifleman "Atlas" body camo for Medic "Atlas" body camo for Engineer "Atlas" body camo for Sniper

And that’s not all that will happen during the “Atlas of War” season! Stay tuned for more information.

Equipment restrictions

Weapon and gear restrictions remain. The items allowed in RM are marked with a special sign . If you equip the restricted items,  you will not be able to start the fight in ranked matches. 

The list of restricted items

  • All automatic and semi-automatic sniper rifles (except for Dragunov SR)
  • The items that quickly replenish HP/AP (more than 2 points per second)
  • All items that protect from the first hit (Anti-Sniper Vest, Plate Vest, Scout Vest, Titan-II Vest and class helmets)
  • Antipersonnel and seasonal mines
  • All frag grenades, except for M26

Progression and rewards

In order to advance between leagues, you need to win consecutive matches. As you climb higher, you will have to display better prowess, flexibility and persistence. At the same time, you won’t drop down instantaneously if you happen to lose — you will have a change to recover by winning a series of matches. If you fail to use this opportunity and continue to lose, you’ll roll back to the previous league.

The bonus for the series of victories works slightly differently now: if you have won three times consecutively in the last matches of the previous league, then in the new league one victory will be counted automatically. You can find an example below.

The full list of transfers between leagues and rewards
Sixth league

The bonus for the series of victories is not counted: you will not receive an additional victory in the fifth league.

The bonus for the series of victories is counted: you will receive one additional victory in the fifth league

Please note that after reaching the first league – it is almost impossible to be kicked from it – it’s enough to win at least one game from ten played. It is done for the best players to experiment with tactics and enjoy the process without the fear f losing a well-earned spot in rankings.

League Victories required to advance
21 - 18 1 out of 3
17 - 12 2 out of 4
12 - 7 3 out of 5
7 - 4 4 out of 6
4 - 1 5 out of 7


Base rewards


Warface dollars









  1 000



  1 250



  1 500



  2 500



  3 000



  5 000



  10 000



  48 000

  4 800

Additional rewards


15% XP booster for 1 day


15% Warface Dollar booster for 2 days


15% Vendor Points booster for 3 days


 for 9 days  for 16 days  for 15 days


All participants that win at least one ranked match will receive the “Warface Ranking Matches League”  mark.

Top contenders that finish the season in the first league will be able to proudly fly their “

You can not beat me!” stripe. Please note that if you skip a season, you’ll have to wait until the 12-season cycle is complete to try and earn that achievement again! The full list of all 12 achievements for reaching the first league can be found in the announcement.

The absolute champions that collect all 12 stripes will receive a unique badge, “Best of the best!”.


Players will be able to receive the following custom achievements:

League   Achievement


The ultimate reward for reaching the first league is the Amethyst weapon skins. This is a one-of-a-kind series that can only be unlocked via ranked matches during fall. Once the winter season starts, the weapon series will also change.

Please note that you will not be able to get the same skins twice if you have already received them before.

MSBS Radon

Sidewinder Venom


ORSIS T-5000



Old weapon skins remain available in the game, and you will be able to get them just as before.

Those that manage to climb up to the golden league will get different permanent weapon skins:

Jade Dragon weapon skin for reaching the 3rd league or higher

(one of the skins is selected at random)

Random Box for reaching the 5th league or higher

(one of the skins is selected at random)

Compete and prevail!

See more

Atlas season event – now live
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